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" Hey, (N/N), Lisa are you guys doing anything after school?" You heard Jungkook ask as you and Lisa stood by your lockers. " Sorry, I have to go to the dentist." Lisa apologized. " It's okay. What about you (N/N)?" Jungkook asked, still cheerfull. " I think I'm aviable." You smiled. " Nice, wanna hang out?" He asked. " Sure, just let me text my brother." You told him and grabbed your phone.

Bold = (Y/N)

Underlined = Jackson


Need a ride?

No, I'm going to hang out with a friend.

Friend or friends?


Boy or girl?


Please don't tell me that you're going to hang out with a guy.

Okay I won't, bye 👋.

" Okay I'm done-" " Hey (N/N)!" Kai greeted you as he came your way. " Oh, hey." You smiled. Jungkook smiled politely at him. " Are you doing anything today?" He asked you, ignoring Jungkook. " Yes, I'm going to hang out with Jungkook." You told him. " Oh, okay. Well, uhh, bye." He said as he walked off. " What's his problem?" Jungkook asked. " No idea." You responded.

" So where do you wanna go?" You asked Jungkook as we walked outside. " Well, I don't really know the neighborhood yet. Care to show me around?" He suggested with his bunny like grin. You grinned back at him and nodded. " Let's head to the park (Jimin), it's really pretty there." You said as you started walking. " Okay!" He smiled as he catched up. " So, do you have any siblings?" Jungkook asked after a few minutes, trying to start a conversation.

" Yeah, an older brother." You told him. " Oh, so you are the maknae of your family too? So am I, I have six older brothers." He said as you stopped walking. " Six?! I don't even imagine how messy the house would be, no offence by the way." You said as he also stopped walking. " Don't worry about it, only our personal rooms are a bit messy. Our mother would kill us if we ever made a mess out of the livingroom, if not my eldest brother." Jungkook chuckled.

You laughed with him. " What's life like with your brother?" He asked as you started walking again. " Annoying, I do love him but he's really over protective at times. I can remember that I held a boy's hand back when I was eight. He seriously washed my hand for half an hour straight." You miled as you tough back to the family. " Oh wow, my brothers keep bothering me about getting a girlfriend. It's annoying really." He said as we reached the park. " This is the park, what'cha think about it?" As you smiled and sat down on a swing.

" You're right. It is nice here." He said as he sat down on the swing beside you. " I know right, it's awesome here." You smiled. " Hey can I maybe ask you a weird question?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. " Sure." You replied. " Are you and Kai dating?" He asked bluntly. Your eyes widen and you shook your head. " No, why?" You asked him.  " Because of the way he looks at you and acts around you. He even carried your bag for you this morning." Jungkook shrugged. You shrugged.

" He likes to be nice to me I geuss. But I seriously don't know why he was so pissed since lunch." You told him. He nodded. " I hope that he'll be nicer tomorrow." He said. You nodded. " I hope so too."  You smiled. You sat in a comfortable silence  until we heard a weird sound. " Sorry..." Jungkook said while smiling sheepishly. " You hungry?" You asked him. He scratched the back of his neck and nodded. " Don't worry we have the best ice cream shop ever near by." You smiled and got up. He smiled and followed.

" So, I didn't know that you were going to the same school." You said, attempting to start a conversation. " Yeah, I didn't really know either. My parents chose a school for me since I was busy playing Overwatch." Jungkook grinned. " You play Overwatch?" You asked him. " Yeah, do you play it too?" He asked as you neared the small mall where the ice cream shop was located. " No, but my brother does." You said, cringing at the ttough of Jackson being awake at one in the morning while yelling trough his headheadset." Cool." Jungkook said and you arrived at the ice cream shop.

You ordered your ice cream and sat down at one of the benches outside. You ate your ice cream in silence until something caught your eye, or more like someone. Jackson and his friends. " Let's go." You said and stood up before walking frantically in a random direction, pulling Jungkook allong on process. " That was close." You sighed once you stood at a corner. " What was close?" Jungkook asked wih his spoon in his mouth. " I saw my brother. Sorry for pulling you allong by the way." You apologized.

" It's okay, but why did you run away from your brother?" Jungkook asked. " He doesn't like it when I talk to guys who aren't him or family. He's the over-over-over protective kind of brother. " You said while smiling sheepishly. He nodded and smiled. " I understand. I would've been overprotective too if someone as beautiful as you would be my little sister." He shrugged. You blushed and looked at him. Beautiful? He must've realized what he had said because he turned a bit red. You turned your attention on the building beside of you to try and get rid of the awkward silence.

" Wait a second this wasn't here before." You murmured as you looked at the sign. ' Jeon's Ramen'. " Oh, seems like we ended up in front of my family's restaurant." Jungkook said as he also turned. " Your family's restaurant?" You asked. " Yeah, my parents own it but my brothers and I like to help sometimes." Jungkook explained. " Oh, that's pretty cool." You said, smiling at the same time. He shrugged. " I geuss, I'm used to it. Where do your parents work?" He asked.

" Nowhere, my dad's in heaven and my mother abandoned us when we were little. I live with my grandparents ever since I was seven." You explained. " Oh, I'm sorry I questioned." Jungkook said while looking at yoj. " Don't worry about it, my dad's in a better place and I've never knew my mom so that isn't a problem. My grandparents are also very lively." You smiled. He looked at you and smiled back at you.

" So you were going to hang out with a guy, huh?" You heard a voice from behind you and you turned around and saw Jackson, this time without his friends. You smiled sheepishly but still kept quiet. Jackson changed his attention to Jungkook. " I'm Jackson, her brother." Jackson told him. " Hi, I'm Jungkook." Jungkook smiled at him. " Nice to meet you Cook. Anyway, I need to take that potato with me." Jackson said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you away. You smiled apologitically at Jungkook before turning my attention to Jackson.

" Yah, let go. Where are we going?" You asked him. " Home. We need to have a serious talk." Jackson huffed as you neared his car.

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