Chapter Five- Why me (edited/changed)

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A/n; you're 16 now btw

Your POV

I woke up with my head pounding and I have an excruciating headache. I look to around. It looks like a hospital. I look over to my right to see a clock that says 4:56pm the last time I checked it was like 12am but okay. I try to get up off of the hospital bed but I begin to feel lightheaded and I collapse back onto the bed.

I hear the door creep open and I see Asher and my mother. My mother slowly walks over to the bed and Asher stands close to the doorway with a concerned look spread across his face. My mom sits down in a chair next to my bed. "Hey hunny, how are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm fine, just a little lightheaded" she nods and kisses my forehead. I feel my head get heavier and heavier. My mom rushes out into the hall and calls nurses in.

Ashers POV

The nurses all sprint into y/n's room. Her mother gets a call from work and leaves. I walk with the nurses and they run some tests. We hurry down the hall on our way to get a head CT for y/n. I wasn't allowed in the room for her to get the head CT but they said I could go anyway. "How far along is she?" The brunette nurse asks. "What?" I say. What the hell is going on. "How many weeks is she?" the nurse asks again. "What do you mean?" I say confused. Seriously though, what the actual fuck is going on. The nurse groans and says "How long has she been pregnant for?" My jaw drops and she continues to push the gurney while running to get a head CT. "I-I didn't know she was p-pregnant" I say with a stutter. The nurse sighs as she picks up her speed.

A few hours later

(Still Ashers POV)

A million thoughts run through my head while I sit next to y/n's bed. The nurses finally come in with the results and I wake y/n up. The two nurses look at y/n. "We have the results for all tests. Including the pregnancy test, it came back positive and you're actually already nine weeks pregnant. Congratulations" the brunette nurse, Dr. Kelley says.

Your POV

My heart drops to my stomach. "I-I'm what?" I ask. Asher looks at me with an extremely concerned look on his face "You're pregnant, congratulations." the nurse says again. "What? No, I can't be" I say confusingly, "Well the tests came back positive. We're also here to do a check up on the baby to make sure everything is okay" I nod my head and my heart starts to race. My anxiety. Asher grabs my hand and tries to calm me down. The nurse lifts my shirt above my stomach. "This is going to be cold but I need you to be calm, okay?" I nod my head and my breath traces back to its regular pace. She rubs the cold gel across my stomach then puts the monitor on and moves it around. I look at the screen to see a little baby. I instantly fell in love.

A few weeks later

This was the day that I had to tell my mother. My baby bump was beginning to grow visible now. If I didn't tell her today, she was destined to find out sooner or later. I walk into the kitchen while getting dinner ready since Asher was coming over for dinner later. I sit down at the table and she stops what she's doing "Mom, I need to tell you something. Please don't be mad, please don't hate me, please don't kick me out, I know it's bad I know it is b-" my mother sat down next to me and cut me off, "Woah, calm down. Just tell me, I promise I won't be mad"
"Mom, I-I'm pregnant" my moms face went pale and she got up and continued to make dinner. "Mom?" She continued to ignore me. "Pack your things, you're leaving tomorrow morning. You're a fucking whore, I'm ashamed to be your mother" she says. My heart shatters. "What? Where? You promised you wouldn't be mad!" I say/yell with my eyes filling with tears. "Anywhere but here" she says. Suddenly, the door opens and Asher steps in. He quickly walks up to me. "Woah are you okay?" He says while pulling me into a hug. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I say while rubbing the tears off of my cheeks. He kisses my forehead. God I love him so much.

The next day

I forcefully grab my suitcases and put them in the trunk of my car. I close the trunk and go back inside to get my keys and a little something from my mother. When I walk in she's standing in the living room. I walk up to her and punch her. She falls to the ground and I pick up her purse and take some cigarettes, two lighters, most of the money and her debit card.

I quickly grab my keys and go back outside and go into my car. I take a deep breath. I start the car and I begin to drive away.

Word count; 922

A/n: sorry for such a small chapter the next one will be longer I promise

Written: May 13th 2018

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