Chapter Six- Millie

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A few days later

I walk into MacDonalds. I've just been driving around the past few days while staying at hotels, although, I did stay with Asher for one night.

Asher and I ended up having a fight the morning after because I found a different girls bra in his room. The bra was Millie's, she told me that she slept with Asher but I just ignored her and I didn't believe her.

Oh well, I don't need him anyway.

I walk up to the counter with my credit card in one hand and my phone in the other.

"What would you like miss?" the cashier asked politely.

"Uh, could I have just a salad and water please?"

"Yes, is that all?"

"Yeah, Thank you"

"Okay, your meal number is 841"

I step back away from the counter and wait for my food.

I catch this curly haired blonde boy staring at me.

I blush and slightly giggle. He smiles and starts to walk towards me.

"Hey, what's your name gorgeous?" he says

I blush.

God, he's cute.

Maybe he'll be Asher's replacement.

"Y/n, what's yours cutie?"

He chuckles.

Holy shit he's cute.

Asher's cuter though.

"Wyatt, could I get your number and maybe we could hang out sometime?"

"Yeah, that would be great."

He passes me his phone and I put my number in.

I hand his phone back to him and he winks.

"Hey, uh I gotta go" I say as I grab my food.

"Okay, Bye gorgeous" he chuckles right after saying that.

I start walking towards my house.

I bumped into someone and I immediately fell to the ground.

I look up to see Asher and Millie with terrified looks in their faces as though I'm a bomb that could go off at any second.

I suddenly felt an urge of anger.

I throw back my fist and punch Millie in the jaw.

Holy shit.

That felt so good and so right.

She gets up off the floor with blood dripping from her nose.

She looks enraged.

She tries to punch me and I dodge her fist.

I drove my fist into her jaw. She quickly fell to the ground.

I looked at Asher. He had a look of shock and surprise spread across his face.

I glare at him and then I walk away.

I walk over to the table thing with all the napkins and other stuff.

I grab two napkins and wipe away Millies blood from off of my hands. It takes a few minutes to get the blood completely off. I felt someone tap me on the should, I turn around and see Millie, of course.

She punches me right in the nose, I get up and throw my fist as hard as I can into her  bitchy, bloody face.

"That's what you get for being a whore" I say as I walk out.

Asher's POV

God I miss y/n so fucking much. Millie is a slutty asshole, all she ever wants to do is have sex. I look over at Millie while she's reading a book. "Millie, we're fucking done. You're ruining my life and I can't take it anymore" I say while grabbing my stuff and walking out.

Word count; 664

A/n; NO HATE TOWARDS MILLIE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! sorry for such a short chapter the next one will be longer I promise!!

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