Chapter Seven- Unexpected

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(June 15th 2018) Ayee wassup so my wifi and cable are both out at the moment so I can't post this yet buttttt I need to edit it anyways plus my Finn book needs to be updated too and I'm in the mood to write right now so ima do that even tho it's like 1am okay actually it's 12:19 but oh well I don't really care though so while you're here you may as well enjoy the beautifulness of my friend samanthamacg05

(June 15th 2018) Ayee wassup so my wifi and cable are both out at the moment so I can't post this yet buttttt I need to edit it anyways plus my Finn book needs to be updated too and I'm in the mood to write right now so ima do that even tho it's l...

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Ayeee here's one of me and Samantha (I'm on the right and she's on the left don't mind my ugliness)

Ayeee here's one of me and Samantha (I'm on the right and she's on the left don't mind my ugliness)

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Anyway here's the chapter hunnies

Chapter Seven: Unexpected.

Y/a- Your address (your street name and house number)

One month later

I woke up in my brand new house and checked  the alarm clock next to my bed. 6:12am. Great. I feel something warm, sticky and wet surrounding me.  I lift the blankets and see a ginormous pool of blood circled around my body.

I quickly rush to the bathroom and sit there for a little while.

It finally kicked in.  I lost my baby.  The one thing that I had left to fight for.  My happiness.  The only thing I really needed in my life.  I lost it.

I sit on the floor in front of the door as I sob for hours on hours.  I try to calm myself down and when I do I hear things being thrown onto the ground and footsteps approaching the door.

I quickly jump up and lock the door. When the intruder reaches the door he attempts to turn the nob but quickly gives up.  He starts to bang on the door and I sob louder, making it obvious that I was there.

"Let me in now!" I quickly recognize the voice. Asher. He continues to try to get the door open. He eventually gets the door open.

He stands there in shock for a few seconds before attempting to grab my hand but I push him away.

He pulls out his phone and starts to dial a number.   "Hello? uh yes we need an ambulance please" "Yes the address is
y/a" Asher hangs up the phone and sits next to me on the ground, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.  He grabs his phone again and puts on my favourite song in attempt to calm me down, Bruises By Lewis Capaldi.

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