Chapter Nine- Orange is my colour

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A/n: so this isn't even planned I'm just kinda going how it is it's also 1am and I promised myself I'd lay here and write a full chapter because I don't post enough so here ya's go (July 20th 2018) So this chapters probably gonna be short but I'm going away for like 5 or 6 days and I'm leaving on July 26th so I'll probably write on the way there and on the way back! (July 24th 2018)

July 30th 2018- I love you guys so much omggg you guys are amazing!! When I'm down you guys always pick me right back up thank you so much I'll try to post a few chapters this week!!!❤️❤️

Chapter Nine- Orange is my colour

I sit at the kitchen table with my mother and Asher for breakfast. For some odd reason, Asher lives with her now. I take another bite of my pancakes. (If you don't like pancakes pretend it's something else lmao).

I love pancakes so much oh my goddd. I take a sip of my orange juice and catch my mother staring at me. "Yes, mother?" She doesn't answer and just looks away. I finish eating and put my dishes in the dish washer.

A loud knock appeared at the door. I open it and see two tall police officers standing in front of me. Oh god, what this time? "Y/n, L/n?" They ask, suddenly my heart stops. "Y-yes?" I say shakily. "You're under arrest for the possession and consumption of drugs, including, cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin." The blonde guard says as he takes me arms and puts them behind my back and puts the handcuffs on my wrists.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" He says.
Possession of drugs? I haven't even done drugs before so why the fuck would I be getting arrested right now.

I look over at my mother and Asher. They're both smirking. Of fucking course. I knew I shouldn't have called her. "No" I say quietly as he takes me outside and into the backseat of the police car. (Lmao I'm sorry I've been watching orange is the new black wayyy too much lately.).

A few hours later

We reach the prison after like maybe three hours. I feel a bunch of eyes staring me down as I enter the prison. I begin to change into the uniform thing they gave me. Apparently now that I have children I have to go to an 18+ prison. What if I was ten and had a kid? Would they still send me here? Huh?

They give me everything I'll need, I mean on the bright side, I'm only in here for six months. That is the good part about this though, if I went to a children's prison I'd be staying longer than I would in an adult prison. I guess this is better than that.

I finally get to my bunk with the guard. "You're sharing a bunk with María González." He says I nod before he starts walking away. I get everything set up as a tall, tan, dark brown haired girl walks in. It's easy to tell she's a Latina. By the name, probably from Mexico or Spain. "You might want to get ready, it's almost dinner and you can't be late. You'll get a shot, unless it's something important and you tell one of the guards at least ten minutes before." She says while grabbing a few things and leaving. I get off of the bed and follow her. "I'm Maria by the way." "I'm y/n" I say. She leads me over to a table with three other girls and one guy there.

I instantly recognize one of the girls, it was Madison from my old school. She didn't have any children, she was only seventeen, she was so sweet, so why is she here? I guess I'll find out at some point.


Wc; 756

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