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@Ianthe8th posted at 10:42 a.m

~Hey Guys i'm trying out for Big Hit soooo... Bye~

@coolman: Wow Big Hit

@Landonisweird: Woah my best friend is joining Big Hit?????

@Chimchim: Wow you shouldn't join Bighit because your not really talented, do you see how talented bts is??+

50 more coments

-Ian pov-

I'm really going to try out for big hit wonder what band I'm going to be in?, "Ian!!" "Yes Sir!" "Come show us whY we should let you in big hit" "Alright".

-an hour later-

"Alright Ian we will text you if you get the spot ok?" "Ok thank you Bye" "Bye". Ok did i really just do that?? yes i did i danced for Big Hit i'm very hungry i'll see if Landon and Darion wanna go out to eat.

The Bros Group Chat

Ian: Hey guys wanna go out to eat

Darion: Sorry i already ate

Landon: Sure Ian where at?

Ian: Lets meet at the place across my street

Landon: Sure bro

I'm going to eat finally! First need to change out of my clothes cause i smell like trash.

-Third person-

Ian then opened his door and walked in his house, he came out his room with dark blue shorts and a red shirt and some nike shoes. Then he got his phone and opened the door and left his house and walked down the street. Soon after he saw the face of one of his best freinds Landon "Lan Lan!!" the blonde boy turned around and looked at Ian "Ian". "Hi Landon" "Hello, so i heard your trying out for Big Hit" "Yup are you happy for me?" the blonde boy hesitated at first "y-yeah i'm very happy for you". "Thanks" the blonde boy noded "Ok Ian let's go eat cause i haven't eat yet" "ya i haven't either" the two boys walked in the restaurant.

-an hour later-

"Wow i'm full what about you Landon?" "yeah i' full too" the boys payed for the food then they left the restaurant

-Ian pov-

"Well Landon sorry but i'm going home because i still have to finsh homework" "Oh it's ok we can meet up later or something right?" "Ya at 5 p.m i'm free and its saturday so ya" "ok ya see you later" "bye!". Wow Landon is kinda cute you know wait i'm i falling in love? no i can't i know i'm not gay wait i can't be having feelings for Landon. Buzz...

Big Hit: Hello Ian i'm the CEO of Big Hit, my company and i would like you tell you that you'll be in BTS the boys are very happy for a new member to join. We also have a room for you, you will be sharing a room with another member in the dorm (Jeon Jungkook). Big Hit will be posting about the new member (You) on Twitter. Hope the news are great to you and your family and friends!

Ian: Hello Big Hit CEO Nice to meet you, thank you so much for letting me get the spot this is amazing and i hope my family and friends are happy. Thank also for letting me into the dorm i will begin packing, one last time Thank you sooo much!

Big Hit: Your welcome and i will send you the address for your dorm and we will make sure jungkook helps you unpack when you get to the dorm.

Ian: Thank you


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