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Fernanda pov
Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, jimin and me were sitting at the dinner table eating (obviously what else what
else would we be do at a dinner table?). Suddenly the door swings open its... Jeon Jungkook with the smallest person I have ever seen in my life... Ian.

"SHUT UP KOOK" The annoyed Yoongi said
"Sorry Hoseok"
"No I agree with you, shut up kook"
"Yes Jeon Jungkook I'm here I'm alive I'm not died"
"Fernanda!" All the members look at Ian so confused besides Hoseok he was eating.
"I'm questioning so much" Namjoon said looking back at his plate
"Us too" they all said
"We will talk about this but first Ian, Jungkook are you guys hungry?"
"YES" The 2 boys said while sitting down. After they were served Jin wanted to know more about Ian knowing me
"Soo...this has been in all of our minds but.... HOW YOU DO KNOW EACH OTHER?!?!"
"it's super easy to explain" I said while taking a long sip of my orange juice (cause we know ya girl can't drink yet) making a very loud slurping sound.
"Fernanda don't do that just tell us how do you know Ian?"
"Well we have known each other since first grade, but we never talked to each other until in 5th grade we were in the same class"
"So um so confused" Hoseok said
"Hoseok why do you have questions? You already no new this"
"Cause like you guys known each other since first grade but suddenly in 5th grade you guys were friends" Hoseok said looking at Ian so confused
"Woah who said we were friends" I said sounding very rude cause that's how I am
"HEY! you said we were friends in 5th grade and now your say we're not"
"Well I take it back Ian and me are friends"
"Why didn't you guys talk in 1st grade" Jimin said
"Well I get to explain since Fernanda got to explain how we know each other, so in 1st grade We were in different classes. And even if we were in the same class in 1st grade I don't think we would have been friends, because Fernanda was such a quiet child. But in 5th grade she got obsess with a gay group- I mean great group and we started talking and she finally said she considered me as a friend the end."
"Wow I have never heard of a quiet Fernanda" Jin said I looked at him and rolled my eyes
"Thats my favorite story I've ever heard" Hoseok said
"HEY I thought the time I saved a puppy was the best story you've heard" Yoongi said
"I thought that was really until I saw Fernandas Instagram" Hoseok said
"Yoongi you used my story, you're very smart" I said laughing
"Again what I said earlier I have never heard of a quiet  Fernanda" Jin commented again
-after dinner-
We were all sitting on the couch so quite a little of side conversation until Jin told us to tell stories from 5th grade.
"Fernanda and Ian tell stories from 5th grAde"
"Who is Jk?" Jimin said so confused
"Moving on fine I'll tell another story, so once we were at a musical witch was nothing like high school musical and I was sitting a row cross from him and should I keep going?"
"Yes I need to know" Jin said whining
"Fine and the music teacher that was hosting the musical he said 'this next song may make you cry' and Ian yelled out to me very loud FERNANDA YOU."
"HEY you would cry everyday"
"WHAT?!?!" they all shouted at Ian
"Are you ok" Jin said
"Is their anything i can help with?" Namjoon said
"Who did this so I can rip their he a off" Yoongi said
"YOONGI, but who was it so WE can rip their head off" Hoseok said
"Were you depressed?" Taehyung aid
"Man your still the same" Jungkook said
"All I have to say wow" Jimin said
"Yes I'm ok, it's fine you don't have to help, don't rip their head off, no I'm wasn't depressed, I know I'm the same and same jimin same."

A/n I tried making it a cliffhanger but that didn't turn out well, sorry for a short story maybe Just MAYBE I might start posting very day until June 20th through July 13 but if I'm late with stories I'm sorry.

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