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-Ian pov-

"Hurry I wanna drink boba tea!!!!!" "wait I need to breath" "Ian I know I am perfect we can't stop to admire me" "it's not that you are handsome but your Yoongis and we have been running for the last 10 minutes and i'm tired". "Hey boba tea don't got all day come on!!!!" "fine but you owe me" "fine i'll be nice and buy you a coat" "hmm I have many of those" "so what do you want". "hey um what if someone like me would have liked yoongi not that I like him I don't know him well so how could I like him, lets say hmm you know Fernanda" "duh I know her I love to see her". "well what if she liked him?" "first of yoongi doesn't like having feelings for girls because they break his heart, and he loves me so much so he wont leave me for her, and Fernanda is my best friend she would never do that and yoongi likes her as a friend". this is hopeless he just loves yoongi too much to let go I wish someone loved me that much that gave some else reasons why they love me. "Lets just get you your boba" "YAAAAAAAY!!!!" we walked over to order his boba "Ian you want any boba tea "no i'm good we came for you" "hey we also came to hangout" "that is true just hurry I want to look around the mall". "Ok just wait over their i'll wait here" "suit your self" then Hoseok ran up to where they were going to give him his boba, after they gave him 2 bobas one for him one for yoongi i'm guessing. "I got yoongi a boba cause i'm a good boy!" "mhm lets go look around" "YEAH". 

hmm what do I want Hoseok to buy me he owes me. "Ian do you want anything?" "nothing that good her" "we can go to pet store cause I just like going to play with the dogs", oh I just remembered I'm getting a puppy is now the good time to its stuff ?. "Yeah Hoseok lets go" "ok also I might get mickey some treats" "is that your dog?" "yeah he is so cute" "oh well Fernanda is selling me a puppy" "REALLY?!?!". "Yeah" "that's nice you know I take good care of dogs" "oh that's cool" "I could  take care of your dog anytime" "ya sure".

-in the pet store- 

Dogs, Dogs and more dogs I really didn't want to play with the puppies, their are golden dogs brown bogs and white dogs for some reason they didn't really attract me. "Ian look at this dog its so fluffy" "ya I'm going to look over their for some dog stuff" "ok i'll play with the dogs here". "Ok tell me when you are done playing with the puppies" "ok" oh crap look at this cute dimple that's so cute. But I don't need Hoseok I have Jungcock  to keep me company, ohhh look at that little doggy clothes. I need to ask Fernanda if its a girl of a boy , if its a girl i'll name her sweetie and if its a boy I'll name him Bingo (sorry I don't know any other dog names). i'll text Fernanda to ask.

                                       T0: Fernanda

Ian: Hey Fernanda

Fernanda: Hey Ian!

Ian: um about the dog

Fernanda: mhm do you not want it anymore?

Ian:  still want the dog just need to know the gender

Fernanda: Ohh its a girl

Ian: Thanks bye

Fernanda: Bye!!!

ITS A GIRL!!!! I'm so happy so I shall name her Sweetie, i'll go look around for some stuff for her. I did  some more looking around until something caught my attention it was a purple collar with little pearls. I'm getting this for sure its so cute I need to find some clothes for her to math with her collar.

(A/N Hello friends!!! sorry for not posting I wasn't busy but I was too lazily, I showed  Ian and Landon this story. At first they thought it was a random FanFic until Ian saw his name and yelled in the library that this story was about him. I did tell him about it he might have forgot, well at first I was going to let him read it put he wasn't listening so he didn't get to read it so yeah. Maybe next Thursday or Tuesday i'll let him read it, Well by friends until next time peace out)  

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