Chapter 9 : Concerned

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  Rosé's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling really hungry. I didn't eat when I arrived at home so what do I expect. I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I went to our small kitchen and cooked some pancakes. I ate it by myself because Jisoo is not here. *sigh*

After eating, I went to my bed again and used my cellphone. I fixed myself and tooked a selfie.

 I fixed myself and tooked a selfie

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I posted it on instagram. Then just a few seconds someone already liked it. That was fast though. Who? Ohhh.. Lisa, again. Seeing her liked my picture made me smile. Then I chat her.

Me : Yo, Lisa!

Lisa : Zup, girl?

Me : Good, thanks for bringing me home last night.

Lisa : No problem. So Um, wanna hang out tomorrow?

Does she mean date? Tsss, don't be silly. She just means going out.

Me : Um, I'll check if I have any schedules. If I don't have, then why not?

Lisa : Great! Just chat me later, okay?

Me : Hmhmm. I will.

Lisa : Good.

Then I just scrolled through my instagram. Man, It's boring in the apartment without Jisoo being here. What could I do? I wanna chat Lisa. 

Me : Lisa, I'm free for tomorrow. 

She replied immediately.

Lisa : Really?! That's great! 

Me : Yeah. Can we just chat?

Lisa : Um sure. Why not? I'm bored either.

Me : Great, so how's life? 

Lisa : Good.  I wanna confess to someone actually. But I'm too shy.

Ouch. That hurts.. Wait, what did I just say?!

Me : Oh, you're new girl?

Lisa : Yeah, I know she likes me because when I.. nevermind  but I also thinks that she doesn't because of what I've done to her.

The girl that she likes, likes her too?? Ouch, this is totally hurting me. WHAT AM I SAYING AGAIN?!

Me : You should still try confessing to her.

Lisa : I will baby..

I smiled. That's not right.

Me : Did you just call me baby again?

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