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The class was real noisy in the morning. It was 2nd period and Mr. Doji hadn't shown up yet. But nobody really cared.

King and Masamune were playing some sort of game where the loser gets slapped in the face. It was hilarious as Toby and Zeo were laughing their butts off.

Julian was reading the subject book, tle. Madoka was doing a little bit of reading along with a little bit of watching of what the others were doing. What's your name a tall boy with glasses asked.
Madoka: oh. You must be aleksei right?
Aleksei: affirmative.*cough* that means yes.
Madoka: Pleased to meet you. My name is Madoka Amano.
Aleksei: that is a very beautiful name.
Madoka: *blushing* you're just saying that.
Aleksei: anyway i was wondering if you understood of what our first lesson in tle is about?
Madoka: actually I'm having a little trouble. Do you mind teaching me?
Aleksei: oh no not at all.

Gingka was arm wrestling with Kyoya  when suddenly the door burst open!
A tall figure with a dark smile and a mini cactus in his right hand along with the tle book on his left stood there. Everybody quickly ran back to their seats or straightened their backs then all quickly stood up in unison.
All: Good Morning Sir Doji!
Doji: sit down now.
They all sat down as he placed his cactus on the teacher's desk.
Doji: alright class open your books to page 3. Can anyone tell me what this lesson is about? Yes Julian
Julian: the lesson regards of what items may be put in your living room to make it better in appearance.
Doji: yes that is correct. Now what kind of items can those be?
Dashan: a vase?
Madoka: a table?
Ryuga: a tv playing all the episode's Doji's mom on porn.
Everybody chuckled at this
Doji: ha-ha very funny Mr. Ryuga. For your information my mom is a very productive citizen.
Ryuga: more like reproductive b*tch
Doji: grr... why you. If you don't stop I'll send you to detention.
Ryuga: hey teacher, on which episode can we see your dad? That episode was probably reported for making audiences uncomfortable.
Doji: my mom does not do that. She's retired.
Ryuga: yeah she retired after the 27th episode cause nobody watched her sh*t. They all got eye cancer after the first episode, no wait after the first minute, no second! Hahahaha!
Doji: alright Mr. Funny guy what does this look like to you?*holds up paper with scribles*
Ryuga: the lawsuit that was pulled against your dad after he-
Ryuga: that's what she said.
*some people were giggling*
Doji: alright class pop quiz. You all have Ryuga to thank for that. Trust this is gonna be hard!
Ryuga: that's what she said too!
*everybody burst out into laughter*

The quiz was hard as Doji promised but what sucked even more was that he didn't even teach anything. Some students that studied beforehand passed with ease but the others all flunked.

What a day that was. Doji got humiliated while Ryuga got detention. When will the beyblading begin?
Will Damian do something demonic? Will Doji pull up more pop quizes? And will Ryuga do any more yo mama jokes? Find out next time!

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