Learning about BeyBattling

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-Quick author note-

Im planning on having a tournament between different schools and i want the fans to also be able to take part in this. Just leave your name along with your bey. It can be called anything you want even if its from a show like TMNT or a movie like avengers infinity war or whatever. But if you want to be original then you can do that too. Just dont be too complicated with your name and bey. Also im gonna need your character's:
Eye color
Hair color
Any catch phrases(optional)
Please be specific with these. Anyway thats all for now and enjoy the chapter.

Beyblade class was something anyone can try and learn about. The first hour consisted off the teacher demonstrating a launching technique or the basics about bey types. The second hour was like free time except the students could go to the bey field where there were tons of stadiums, obstacles, parkour and the brand new zero gravity stadium. Gingka was battling with tsubasa while Madoka was watching. Pegasus changed to upper mode and sent eagle flying out of the stadium.
Madoka: amazing. Pegasus is able to change modes.
Gingka: why aren't you battling madoka?
Madoka: oh um... well the thing is i dont really battle that much. I just analyze and give advice for bey customization and movement patterns.
Tsubasa: so you're a strategist?
Madoka: i guess you could say that.
Gingka: sounds like you would be an awesome blader. Why dont you give it a try.
Madoka: b-but i dont know how to launch properly. I learn about it alot but actually doing it-
Gingka: dont worry I'll teach you.
Tsubasa: imma go to the obstacle course. See you guys later
Gingka and madoka: bye
Gingka: alright first thing's first. Get out your launcher and attach your bey. (Madoka followed his instructions) and then place your feet like this. When you pull the cord, put your arm and shoulder into it.
Madoka launched but it wasnt very good. Her bey crashed into the wall and stopped spinning.
Madoka: oh man. I'm horrible at this.
Gingka: dont worry. That was only your first try. Maybe i wasn't good enough at teaching.
Madoka: n-no you were perfect, i was just a little tired and hehehe
Something about Gingka was just so amazing to her. He was kind and patient, and handsome too😄.
He went behind madoka and took her arms into his and prepared a launching position. Their faces were next to each other just centimeters away from touching. His chest felt so strong and muscular to her. She didn't want this moment to end. He then told her to pull with him together. 3 2 1 Let it Rip! Madoka's bey, storm Scorpio landed in the center of the arena with a strong stable spin.
Gingka: you did it!
Madoka: well only because of your help.
Gingka: nah I was just holding on to you that's all🙄. You did it all by yourself😏.
Madoka couldn't believe how nice he was. He basically was the one who made her bey spin properly and he gave her all the credit. What a gentleman.

-Meanwhile at another bey arena-

Damian: so this is the zero-G stadium then huh? Looks interesting. Toby and Zeo challenged him to a match in this stadium.
Damian: that's fine. Just come at me at the same time. It won't do you any good.
Toby: you'll fall at the strength of our bond
Zeo: that's right. You'll fall against our Lyra-Fox. The BFF synchrome bey.
Damian: a synchrome bey huh? Not a problem.
i wanna battle too you know.
King: dont leave me out.
Damian: then how about a battle royal? That'll make things even more fun.
King: alright lets do this thing.
Let it Rip!
Damian's Kerbecs took the center of the cyclone bey stadium(AKA zero-g stadium) while all the others spun at the side. The right rotating beys made the arena also spin right.
Damian: interesting.
Lyra-Fox hit Kerbecs hard but it had no effect. King and masamune's Ares and Striker clashed fiercely, making the stadium wabble.
Damian: ok. Now i understand how this thing works. Kerbecs now!
Kerbecs started spinning faster. Its RPM became immeasurable and it started glowing red from the friction.
King: woah whats he doing? The stadium spun faster, it was starting to spin like a bey. The centrifugal force made the other beys hit the top wall.
King: hey what do you think you're doing? I wont allow this! Waaaah!
King's hair became white as his aura burst out with great power. Ares was trying to reach kerbecs but it was so incredibly difficult with the stadium still increasing in rotation speed.
King: hey pal stop cheating
Damian: hehehe. You still wouldnt be able to do anything even if this wasnt happening.
King: oh yeah? Waaaaaaaaah!!!!
Masamune: i wont give up either! Aaaaaaah!
A red and green line was formed. They were parallel to each other and the beys were barely moving forward from trying to resist the high speed ground. Their own rotation pushing against the ground actually made it spin even faster. Lyra-Fox was sent flying out of the stadium through a crack formed. Striker and Ares were moving closer to the middle as not to be affected by the stadium as much.
Alright joint special move: Flash of Thunder Sword! The two beys drew nearer to kerbecs.
Damian: hmph😏 alright then. Special move: hades drive. The stadium glowed red from the friction and errupted with flames. The two beys stopped spinning and kerbecs still in the middle.
Damian grabbed kerbecs and told the two: goodluck retrieving your beys cause this thing isnt gonna stop spinning for a while. Then a black bey entered the stadium and spun in the middle. After only 10 seconds the arena stopped spinning.
Damian: what? Ryuga? Here to help your friends huh?
Ryuga: no. Just need to clean up the mess left up by a child like you.
Damian: hmph. You always were one to have great comebacks. So you wanna challenge me too?
Ryuga: not today. But soon.
Damian: I'll be ready anytime.
Ryuga: we'll see.

2 strong bladers have met eye to eye. Now will they get face to face in a heated battle? Or will Madoka kiss Gingka? Is tsubasa gay?(jk dont hate on me fans) and where the f*ck is kyoya? Find out next time!

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