Friendship regained

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Quick question:

Would you guys rather have long chapters but rarely updated or sgort ones but updated more often??

School is coming up and I dont know if I can update as often as usual so I need to know. I'll update whenever I can but as of right now, you guys need to tell me if you like the stories long or short.l

It was the 2nd period of bey class and the students were out on the training field. Gingka was battling with Kyoya while Yuki was practicing with Kenta.
Pegasus couldnt break through Leon's defenses while Leon couldnt stand up to Pegasus in a head on clash of Strength. Anubius couldnt reach Sagittario to attack because it was way too short while sagittario had a 230 spintrack. But Sagittario also couldnt reach Anubius to attack because it was too tall. It was a battle between David and Goliath.

Madoka approached them wanting to talk to Gingka again but when she saw the struggle between Kenta and Yuki, she couldnt resist to give advices to them.


Julian Konzern was battling Sophie, Wells, and their new friend Klaus. Julian acknowledged Klaus for being a powerhouse and saw him as a worthy companion. But not even the mighty Klaus was able to stand up to the high defenses of Julian's Gravity Destroyer. And with one swing of its sword, it knocked out the Cetus couple. Damian made his way over to the group alone and watched for a while. When Julian finally defeated Klaus, Julian spoke up and asked him what his business was?
Damian: oh me? I just wanna have a fun battle. Thats all.
Julian: fun you say? I have no interest in such things. Come on lets go..
Damian: And maybe to prove that you really are a weakling.
Julian stopped walking and turned around.
Julian: what did you call me?
Damian: well you have been defeated by Gingka in 6th grade. And youre clearly no match for Ryuga. That makes you neither the strongest right rotating blader nor the strongest left rotating one. And since Kyoya and Gingka are equal, that makes you even lower on tge rankings.

Julian: how dare you speak like that. Youre just some coward that needs his gang to back him up.
Damian: Im all alone right? So how about we stop talking and start launching shall we?
Julian: grr.. you'll regret it.
Let it Rip!

-back to the other-

Madoka: Kenta you can hit Anubius by using a dive bomb attack.
Kenta: oh yeah thats right. Sagittario diving arrow!
Sagittario smashed into Anubius and sent it flying. But it was able to land at the edge of the stadium.
Yuki: phew that was close.
Madoka: Yuki you can knock over sagittario by gaining speed and land a wicked attack on its spintrack.
Yuki: great idea! Anubius brave Impact!
Anubius smashed into Sagittario and made it fall on its fusion wheel which did alot of damage.
Yuki and Kenta: waaaah!!
Gingka and Kyoya: waaaaaah!

Madoka: Kyoya dont attack Pegasus head on when its at full power. Defend first and then hit it when its vulnerable.
Kyoya: huh? Gotcha. Leon!
Leon blocked the hit and and sent Pegasus flying shortly after.
Gingka: grr. That wont defeat me! Pegasus barrage mode.

Pegasus hit Leon with a barrage of attacks but it was just sent flying back again.
Gingka: grrr.
Madoka: Gingka! Dont just attack when you know that leon will counterattack after.
Gingka: huh?
Madoka: send him flying with an uppercut!
Gingka: hehe. Alright lets do this Pegasus. Upper mode!

Pegasus sent leon flying but it wasnt done just yet.
Gingka: alright almost.
Kyoya: almost huh? Well lets decide this with our special moves.
Gingka: ok lets go Kyoya!
Kyoya: King lion crushing claw!
Gingka: Storm booster!
The two beys clashed head on and the shockwave sent even Sagittario and Anubius flying in the other stadium.

-Back to Damian-

Destroyer was attacking Kerbecs fiercely but instead, destroyer was the one sent flying.
Julian: grr. Defense is my game. I'll just make this a drawn out battle.
Damian: aww whats wrong? Cant stand up to Kerbecs' defenses even when youre using that so called left rotation? Well I'll let you know that Kerbecs is a stamina type so I'll win a drawn out battle too.
Julian: grrrr.
Damian: but thats no fun so I'll send you flying instead. Go Kerbecs.

Kerbecs hit Destroyer over and over again and it couldnt keep up with Kerbecs' speed.
Julian: whats this?
Damian: i thought defense was your specialty? I guess youre not as strong as they claim for you to be.
Julian: why you. Destroyer black excalibur!

Destroyer smashed into Kerbecs but it still had no effect and it was sent flying.
Wells: we cant let this happen.
Sophie: right.
The two beys were launched to block Kerbecs' attack but they were just sent flying in one swoop. The two beys landed infront of sophie and wells while being cracked and partially shattered.
Klaus: oh no. How dare you! Go capricorn!
S and w: Klaus no!
Capricoen smashed into Kerbecs head on but was sent flying back. But klaus had no intentions in giving up whatsover so he attack again and again. But even after many blows, capricorn didnt seem to be slowing down. Instead, klaus's bey spirit was burning brighter than ever. Now even Julian was shining with hope and attacked together with Klaus. This time however, they were able to push back Kerbecs.
Damian: oh? Thats a first. I guess i shouldnt be holding back this much anyway. Special move hades gate.

-back to the others-

Gingka: that was a great battle.
Kyoya: definetly.
Yuki: hehehe. We had to battle twice because of you guys.
Kenta: hahaha.
Madoka: strategy is the key to victory.
Gingka: thanks alot for the tips....
Madoka was starring into Gingka's eyes knowing that he probably already forgot her name again.
Gingka: ....Madoka.
Madoka: ...? Wow he remembers my name. Yiieeeeh!! Calm down its just your name. Youre not getting married. No problem😅.

They were interrupted when they saw a huge explosion on the other side of the field. They wuickly rushed over there and saw one of the worst causes of that. Julian and his friends were lying unconscious on the ground and their beys were scraped. But what shocked them the most was that there was a gate which had a 3 headed dog with demonic red eyes. And if you stare into the gate you can see hell, which was worse than any nightmare they ever had. When the gate closed there was an orange glowing bey which was caught by a man with a horrifying smirk on his face. Madoka dug her face into Gingka's chest while he held her tightly out of protective instinct.

Will Julian and his friends be alright? Will Damian go to detention? Or are the teachers frightened of his power? Find out next time!

Sorry that that took so long. This chapter had a total of 1168 words so you know... anyway I hope you enjoyed and time to say bye bye with a BOOM!

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