Little injury, big problem

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Ryo and Madoka were very scared at what the doctor might say

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Ryo and Madoka were very scared at what the doctor might say. He had a very serious expression while the other one was a little scared. The doctor finally spoke up:

Doc: we have some good news and bad news.
Ryo: *gulp*
Doc: the good news is... that even with the injuries on and in his body, he will  fully recover.
Madoka: phew..
Doc: the bad news is that he suffered a blow to the head by a hard object. He may have lost some of his memory if not all of it.
Ryo and Madoka: WHAT?!
Madoka: How much memory could he have lost?
Doc: were not sure yet so we need to find out when he wakes up. It could be that he just forgot the last week or so. But it may also range to years.
Madoka: Crap... i dont even know Gingka for that long. Its only the second week of school...

A nurse entered the room they were standing in and told them that its ok to enter the room now. Ryo gave his thanks to the doctors and went in along with Madoka. Gingka had an oxygen mask on his face and a dextrose. He lied under white sheets and on a white hospital bed. He was still unconscious and you could still see bruces and wounds which stopped bleeding.
Ryo: you got into one heck of a fight Gingka.
Madoka: I'm so glad he's ok.
Ryo: me too. It's getting a little late, do you want a ride home?
Madoka: Yeah sure tha-
Gingka: *groan*
Ryo: Gingka! How are you son?
Gingka: ugh. My body feels soar. And my head is killing me.
Ryo: I better tell the doctors to get you some painkillers.
Madoka: Gingka! You're alright🤗 *hugs him* I'm so glad you're safe.
Gingka: ugh Dad i told you how I feel about fangirls.
Ryo: You dont remember your friend Gingka?
Madoka: oh no! He completely forgot who I am. Maybe I can make him remember. It's me Madoka. We met at school 2 weeks ago.
Gingka: At school? 2 we.. what are you talking about? It's summer. *really confused look*
Ryo: summer?
Gingka: yeah we celebrated our summer cup basketball championship last friday.
Ryo: oh thank goodness you only lost your memory for about 1 month.
Gingka: lost my memory? Dad what happened? Why am I in the hospital anyway?
Ryo: I'll explain later. You need to rest for now and I need to bring Madoka here home.
Gingka: her? Fine....
Ryo: see you later son.
Gingka: bye Dad.
Madoka: *A bit sad and dissapointed* b-bye Gingka.
Gingka: hmm? Oh uh..bye...uh..
Madoka: Madoka...
Gingka: Right....

Ryo walked towards his car with Madoka behind him. She was a little sad that Gingka cant remember her but then again, they werent life long friends anyway so it was expected. But a boost of determination filled her when she told herself: I'll get gim to remember easily. He just woke up so he wouldnt remember. Like when I wake up in the morning and my brain is still tired. He couldnt have forgoten the reason why he fought against that gang right? We'll just have to see..


Thanks so much for sticking with me dear readers. Sorry for all the delay. I was just incredibly tired and lack of sleep got the best of me. I'll update more frequently with MFBHS because MFBZ Isn't getting any reads since 3 chapters which sucks cause it was my main reason for story writing, but I guess people like romance more than action. Anyway Bye bye with a BOOM!

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