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This story was inspired when I heard about Mark's grandmother passing. I thought I would write about how this effected him.

I might turn this into a series of one-shots depending on how this story line goes.

*Mark POV*

I sat on my bed, unable to get up. I knew I had to, we had practice. I still even had my phone in my hand, having just been on the phone with my mom. I was so excited to have heard from her, but now I wish she had never called.

She told me the devastating news that my grandmother had died. After she told me I had no answer for her and eventually she hung up. It had been 20 minutes since I got the call and I had yet to move. I couldn't even cry, no matter how much I wanted to.

My grandmother was always there for me and supported me even when my parents didn't. I could never imagine my life without her, but now I had to go through it.

"Mark hyung!!" I heard Yugyeom yell. It knocked me out of my reality and I sat up out of bed. I grabbed my practice bag and headed out, glad I had gotten ready early. I had wanted to eat before I left, but now it was too late.

"There you are!" Jackson said as I walked into the living room. It was only them two, so I assumed the others had already left. "Come on, we have to go!"

Without saying a word, I walked out the door and started toward the studio, Jackson and Yugyeom following behind. I could hear them joking and arguing, but I paid no attention.

We walked into the studio and everyone was starting to warm up and I silently joined them. It was a couple minutes into stretching when Jackson approached me.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, stretching beside me.

"Yeah, why?" I lied.

"Well, you were finished getting before I was, yet you were the last one out and you haven't said a word since."

"I'm just tired, I was laying down." I continued to lie, and he seemed to believe me, or at least like he was willing to accept as answer. We kept stretching together for another couple minutes, Jackson constantly making jokes while I stayed mostly silent.

"Okay, let's begin!" JB said, gathering us. "We're gonna start with Girls, Girls, Girls, and work our way through our songs for our concert in a couple of weeks."

I got into my position, like everyone else, while JB started the music. We went through the song, but I couldn't concentrate. All I could think of was my grandma and trying not to cry.

"Mark!!" Yugyeom yelled when I bumped into him for the fourth time. I was constantly bumping into people and forgetting the choreography.

"Sorry," I said, but at this point I don't think anyone believed. We were still on the second song after an hour and a half because of me. Everyone was tired and annoyed at me, it was only supposed to be a 3 hour practice, but at this point it was gonna be a lot longer.

"Take a break everyone!" JB said, clearly trying not to yell. I went over to my bag and grabbed my water and started drinking. "Mark, I would like you to practice more, you need it!"

I ignored him, I couldn't tell him no, but I also couldn't get up and make a complete fool of myself. I was having trouble knowing the choreo unless looking at everyone else, and even then I was doing awfully.

"Mark?" JB said, annoyed I was still sitting down. "Do you really not care about the dances?? About your members?? About the concert??"

I wanted to say something so bad, but I was too scared talking would lead to crying, and that wouldn't end well.

"You're just gonna ignore you're leader!" He said, walking over to me. "I told you to do something! You mess up, constantly, yet you want to do nothing about it!!" He was now hovering over me, pointing at me like a disappointed mother.

"Hey, back off!" Jackson said, pushing JB back.

"You too?"

"Can't you see he is having a bad day?" Jackson tried to rectify my behavior.

"Jackson..." I said, risking my voice. He looked over to me and I shook my head, telling him off with just my look. "It's fine..."

"No, it's not, everyone has off days, no need to attack you!" Jackson was getting more and more irritated.

"A bad day is one thing, not trying at all is another!!!" He yelled, I was shocked at those words. Couldn't he tell I was trying?? I'm a mess, I can't concentrate, but I am trying.

"I'll go practice somewhere else... I'm obviously a burden to you guys..." I said and got my stuff and walked out, without a word from anyone.

*Jackson POV*

It broke my heart to see Mark struggling so bad. I could tell his heart wasn't in it today and I wish I knew why.

"You see what you did!" I turned back to JB, expressing my anger.

"I didnt do anything, he is the one not caring!"

"How can you be so heartless??" I asked him, his face full of shock, as was everyone else's, at least the ones I could see.


"He is clearly going through something and instead of being a human being you decided to punish him!" I yelled, and JB had no response. "I'm going to check on Mark, you guys can continue to practice." I said and left.

I walked into every practice room until I found him. He was sitting in the middle of the floor, music on. At first I thought he was sitting there, but then I saw his shoulders shake up and down. Was he crying?

"Mark?" I asked as I walked into the room. He quickly sat up and wiped his eyes. So he had been crying. He turned off the music before facing me with red eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." Was all he said, before sitting down on the bench. I sat down next to him. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to push my roommate. I knew how hard it was for him to express his feelings.

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