When One Falls, We All Fall

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"Mark?" Jaebeom asked as opened the door, revealing all 5 members standing there.

"Hey," I lifted my head off of Jackson's shoulder to look at the members standing in the doorway. "Come in." 

"How are you?" Jinyoung asked as they all stood around my bed and I felt awkward for I was currently laying in Jackson's arms. I tried to untangle my body from his, but his strong arms pulled me back into him. 

"I am doing better, Jackson has helped me calm down."

"So, Jaebeom told us you were in the hospital, but he didn't tell us why..." Jinyoung responded and I shrunk back into Jackson. How was I supposed to tell them I couldn't handle my own depression and hurt myself?

"Hey, Mark, look at me," Jackson whispered as he gently placed his hand on my cheek, guiding my face to his. "Do not overthink or listen to the voices. They are your family. They love you, always remember that whenever you start to doubt, okay?"

I nodded in response as I looked back to my members... no, family. "Well, a few weeks ago, my grandmother passed away... and... it was really hard for me... I kept crying in my room alone or in the bathroom... when you guys were gone that day... it was really bad for me..." I tried to explain, but at a loss for words, and eventually, the words turned into tears as I cuddled myself back into Jackson at the memory of that night. Pathetic. I'm not! Crybaby. I'm grieving! 

"Shh, it's okay... I'm right here, I can tell them for you... it's okay..." Jackson whispered in my ear as I felt his hand move to play with my hair. I sighed as I let it happen and tried to concentrate on his hand as the warm feeling filled my heart. I could hear Jackson explain the story in more detail than I was capable of vocalizing in my current state. As his soothing voice filled my ears and his soft hands stroked my hair, the voices faded and the tears slowed to a stop. 

"Mark... we're always here for you, even if you feel you can deal with it alone, still come talk to us. We are family and want to help you." Jinyoung said after Jackson had finished.

"I'm sorry..." I told him, unwilling to move my head from Jackson's chest for I knew my face was a mess and it was not a state I wanted them to see me in.

"You don't have to be sorry, just come to us next time, okay?" Jaebeom responded as I felt the bed sink and I felt a hand be placed on my leg.

"Okay," I told him as more water streamed down my face and for once I wasn't feeling any sadness, but happiness. The warmth in my heart grew as they all piled on the bed to wrap me in hugs and love. For the first time in a while, a genuine smile crept through all the tears. 

Sorry, this was so short, I wanted to add this chapter in, but realized there wasn't much for me to input... hope you still enjoyed! The next chapter should be longer in exchange!

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