Support Beam

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I watched as Jackson stormed out of the room to find Mark. How could I have been so blind?? Was he really that out of it??

I thought back through the day. He had been fine when we woke up early for vocal rehearsal. What changed during the hour break we had at home? Looking back through our practice I could understand what Jackson was saying.

He was hurting and all I did was yell at him. I am an awful dongsaeng and leader. I was supposed to help our members, not yell at him.

"Hey," Jinyoung said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I don't know how long he was standing there.

"What have I done?" I asked him, quiet enough for no one else to hear.

"You were trying to be a good leader..."

"Yeah, but in turn, I acted like a horrible friend," I said and Jinyoung had no response, but he didn't need to say anything, him being here was enough. He knew how to calm, rather it be by words or mere presence.

"Come on, moping won't help, we should continue." He said after a while. I nodded in response and he gave me a quick hug before returning to the maknae line.

*Jackson POV*

"You wanna start practicing or do you wanna go back to the dorm?" I asked Mark after he had seemed to calm down. It broke my heart to see him like this. I just wanted him to be happy.

"Dorm," he said after a little thought. I got up to get his stuff for him when he called my name. I turned around to see a confused Mark. "Aren't you curious as to why I was crying?" I didn't expect him to ask me this. I assumed he just wanted some space, for now, so I didn't push.

"Yes," I answered in English, "but I don't want to push, you can tell me when you're ready."

"I always am ready to tell you. I always want to tell you how I'm feeling, you're my best friend." He said, continuing the conversation in English. I didn't know he felt this way. I knew I did, but I always thought he didn't like to tell people his thoughts.

"Really?" I asked, kneeling in front of him. He responded with just a nod. "Then tell me, I'm always here for you."

"My mom called this morning... my... my grandma... she... she passed away..." he said, again on the verge of tears. My heart broke hearing the words come out of his mouth. All I wanted to do was take away his pain, but I knew I couldn't, which broke my heart more. One of the main reasons I am always so happy is because I hate seeing others sad, especially Mark.

I had nothing to say, so I just hugged him. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want to distract you guys from our schedule. It's more important than me." He said and I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Of course, he was more important. Everyone would understand Got7 and Ahgase. We were his support beams in times of need and always will be.

"That's not an excuse," I said and was faced with a very confused Mark. "The schedule can always be altered or changed, but you can't be. We all want you to be okay."

"I know..." Mark said, but it wasn't very convincing. I hated how he was always there for other members when they needed it, but never shared his feelings. It frustrated me, I wanted to what was wrong when he was having a bad day, but he hated telling. "I'll tell them eventually, just, let me do it, promise?"

"Promise. Now, come on," I said, pulling us up. "Let's go home."

Got7- Markson GriefOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora