Secrets Are Meant To Be Found Out

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"Is he okay?" I asked Jaebeom. I had never felt so scared than when I got that call from Jaebeom saying Mark was in the hospital. Ever since it felt like time has slowed down. I immediately had the driver take me to the hospital.

"Yeah, he'll be fine, they patched him up and gave him some blood and an IV."

"What happened?" I asked, staring at Mark. He looked so peaceful, something I haven't seen in him in a while. He used to be so happy and now... I don't even recognize him sometimes. My heart aches for him. I want to see his smile again, a genuine one.

"I found him in his room... bleeding... cutting himself..." Jaebeom said, tears forming in his eyes. He doesn't cry often so I knew that it had to be an awful sight.

"It's okay... he'll get better... we will make sure he doesn't continue doing this..."

"Continue?" Jaebeom asked. Oops... "Has he done this before?"

"Yeah..." I hesitantly told him. It wasn't my story to tell, but he is our leader and he deserves an explanation after what he saw. "Ever since his grandma died... he's been in a really bad place..."

"His grandma died? When? Why didn't he tell us?" Jaebeom asked and I couldn't tell if he was angry or surprised, possibly both.

"Yeah, a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why he didn't tell us. I guess he felt as if he needed to deal with it himself..."

"He has the six of us... he doesn't need to do it alone..."

"J...Ja...Jacks...on..." I looked away from Jaebeom to Mark to see him struggling to open his eyes.

"Mark... Mark... I'm right here..." I held his hands as I leaned over him, resting my other hand on his cheek. "Mark. Look at me..."

"Ja...Jacks...on..." he whispered.

"You're okay... you're in the hospital..." I told him, rubbing my throat over his cheek to comfort him.

"What... what happened...?" He asked, his eyes now fully open.

"Jaebeom found you in your room, cutting..." I told him and he looked away from me to see Jaebeom at the end of his bed.

"Jaebeom... I'm so sorry..."

"It is okay, I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Especially with you're grandma passing and everything..."

"You told him?!" Mark yelled. I was taken aback, especially because he jerked away from my hands. I stood up in shock at his sudden outburst.


"Why did you tell him my personal information?!"

"He's our leader! He's like a brother to us." I responded, trying not to get angry.

"Hey. Don't get mad at Jackson, he was just trying to get me to understand what I saw last night." Jaebeom said in his leader's voice. "Anyways, what exactly happened last night?"

"Well, after I hung out with Jackson, I went to go relax in my room for a while. Suddenly there were voices in my head... it was awful... they kept telling me things... so I grabbed a razor... and I just... well, that's about when Jaebeom showed up..."

"Mark..." I told him, wanting to grab his hand again, but scared. I wasn't sure if he was still angry. I couldn't read him anymore. It frustrated me, but also made my heartache. His grandma passing changed him and I wanted him back, with every ounce of me.

"It's okay. I'll get better, with your guys' help..." he said, although too monotone for me to know if he truly believed that.

"Yes, you will,"

I hope you are all doing well amidst the pandemic. Stuck in house quarantine in my city... it is only week 2 of no school and day 2 of "house arrest" and I am bored as heck. Stay safe and stay healthy!

P.S- I wrote this at work because we were slow so sorry if it is shitty. I tried to update both my Markson fanfictions, but my inspiration for this chapter was weak compared to the other one. 

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