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We all day at the table eating breakfast one morning. I wasn't eating much. I didn't feel like it. Every bite felt like my stomach was gonna explode. I knew I was gonna end up throwing it up later.

Everyone was talking and making jokes. I even heard Yugyeom get hit by Jinyoung for messing with him too much.

"Mark? Mark!" I heard Jackson yelling my name, waving a hand in front of my face. I was pulled out of my own thoughts quickly.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I asked if you were gonna eat the rest of your food, because you haven't touched it much." He said, and I heard the worry in his voice and it reminded me of my grandma whenever I didn't eat food. The thought of my grandma made me feel even worse.

"No, I'm not hungry." I said and Jackson looked even more worried.

"Really? You haven't eaten much these past few days?" Jackson responded in Mandarin. I was happy that he did. I didn't think anyone noticed, but it was obvious he did and I was glad he didn't announce it to everyone else.

Before I could respond, Jinyoung interrupted. "Eat, we have practice later!" He said and I was happy he said something, but I also wished he wasn't such a eomma.

"Okay..." I said and tried to eat as much as possible, knowing eomma Jinyoung was not gonna let me go without at least finishing most of it. I was 3/4 of my way done with breakfast when I started to feel even worse. I pushed my plate forward, indicating I was finished and without a word, went to the bathroom.

I quickly closed the door and opened the lid to the toilet and quickly puked it all out. It felt disgusting coming up my throat. The taste leaving a bitter after taste in my mouth.

"Mark?" I heard Jackson's voice say. Before I could reply, he was opening the door. In my rush to the toilet I forgot to lock the door. He immediately saw me on the floor by the toilet and ran over, closing and locking the door behind him. "Oh, Markie-pooh..."

It was then I felt the awful taste in my mouth again and I quickly leaned over the toilet letting it out. I felt the chunky liquid go from my stomach into the toilet.

I could feel Jackson's hand on my back, rubbing circles on my back and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel better. Once I knew my stomach was empty, I closed the lid and flushed the toilet, the smell threatening more liquid up my throat, though I knew nothing was left.

"You okay??" Jackson asked.

"Yeah," I croaked out hoarsely, my throat sore from all the puking. He helped me clean up my face and brush my teeth and then led me to my room.

"Are you sick?" He asked after he laid down next to me on the bed. I shook my head, but he checked my forehead and he was surprised that I was telling the truth. "You sure?"

"Yeah, my stomach just didn't agree with the meal." I told him and he put his arms around either side of my waist, knowing I was lying and that wasn't the case.

"You don't have to lie to me." He said and he pulled me closer, even going as far as to put a leg on top of mine to keep me close. In response I put my head on his chest and my hands in between us and bundled up his shirt in my fist. It didn't take me long to start bawling, feeling safe in his arms to do so. I was happy I had told him. I wouldn't be able to survive without him.

"Hey, we need to leave soon for practice." Jinyoung said coming into the room some time later. I had stopped sobbing, but tears were still visible on my face. I hid my face in Jackson's chest, pretending to be asleep so he wouldn't see me.

"Actually, Mark isnt feeling that well, I'm gonna stay and take care of him." Jackson lied. I smiled against his chest and I knew Jackson felt it because he rubbed his hand across my arm in comfort.

"Is he okay?" Jinyoung asked in his mom voice.

"Yeah, I think he might be getting sick, so I just want to make sure he is cared for." He said and I tried not to smile like an idiot at that, but I couldn't stop.

"Is that why he didn't want to eat...?" He asked and I felt Jackson nod in response. After that I heard the door closed. After that I looked up at Jackson.

"Thanks Gaga."

"Anytime Tuan Yien." He said and I smiled. I loved it when he called me by that name or anyone of his nicknames for me. It made me feel special. He saw me smiling and smiled back before pulling me into him. "Now sleep my Markie-pooh..." and I did.

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