First Turn

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I slept for most of the twelve hour fly back to Charlie. Combat had a way of sucking the energy right out of you and I don't give a damn how tough you are,you go into combat your gonna feel it after words. I was stirred from my fit full sleep as the Blackhawk lurched,telling me we had landed. I yawned as I stood and gathered up my gear. Hudson woke Jackson and slid the door open where there soldiers and a few doctors for David were waiting for us.

"Good job Major",Holland said waking up to me.

"Thank you sir",I replied.

"Get to the mess hall and get some chow in you and then report to the command tent."

"Yes General sir."

I walked to my room in the infirmary and set my rifle and handgun on the table. I stripped off my sweat soaked gear and showered off. I slipped into a pair of desert digital ACU pants and a combat shirt in the same print with a Texas patch on the shoulder. I rolled up the sleeves and strapped my hand gun to my leg before walking from my room to the mess hall. Inside was packed tight as always. I walked to the serving counter and took two slices of sausage pizza as well as two pepperonis and a cheese. I glanced around a bot before locating Hudson and the others at our usual table. As I sat down,Issac spoke up.

"Only thing I can't figure out was how the op went south so damn quick",Issac said.

"What ya mean brother?",Jackson asked.

"Think about it a minute,Issac said,"we used silencers and knives,and we hid the bodies very well,some of them so well they may not be found for a while,and out of the blue the alarm rings?"

"David shot the Cuban dude",I replied,"someone probably heard the gunshot."

"It's possible",Issac replied,"but everything was going by the numbers and just like that it goes sideways?"

"Shit happens brother",Frank replied,"we were in the wrong place at the wrong time and it's as simple as that."

Issac took a bite of his chicken. "Possibly."

"Let's not worry about it Issac",I replied,"we all got out safe,so it don't matter to me."

Issac just smiled and bit into his chicken again.

"Oh and by the way guys",I said finishing one of my pieces of pizza,"Holland wants to see us after we eat."

Jackson moaned,"When is that man going to stop? It's been one kick in the nuts mission after another."

"Yeah",I replied,"I'm tired to,but were Marines,Marines don't quit."

"Amen brother",Wyatt replied.

We ate quickly before tossing our trays and walking across the compound to the command tent. As we entered Holland looked up from his papers.

"Have a seat",Holland said.

We sat down in the front row of metal chairs as Holland sat on his desk.

"Five days ago",Holland said,"a drone over an Afghan mountain range picked up this."

Holland produced a folder of pictures and handed it too me. Inside were pictures of a cave entrance with men dressed from head to toe in black gear armed with American M4's. Other pictures showed

multiple men in the same uniform unloading boxes from a deuce while a man in tan fatigue's and body armor,armed only with a handgun,seemed to be coordinating their efforts.

"We have reason to believe that the man dressed I the tan uniform is SSGT Bradly Piers",Holland began,"he has sold US military secrets to the Taliban and we have been tracking him for years. I'm sending you to this cave system to execute a kill capture order on him."

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