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The hike to the radio tower's location was every bit of three hours,it was late afternoon when we got there. Issac's leg,plus the mud and a steep climb,slowed us greatly and the fact the rain was still pouring heavily wasn't helping. When we finally arrived at the tower's location,I was stunned to find several,well built two story houses surrounded by many smaller one story ones,like the hut we'd camped in last night. The houses were in real rough shape,but it was shelter.

"Let's move to the blue house at ten",I whispered looking back to them and pointing to the house,"prepare for entry."

"Stacking",Hudson whispered as he and Frank approached the door.

"Emelia",I said turning to her,"you stay behind and protect Issac,can you do that?"

"I can",she replied.

"Okay then",I replied,"I whistle for you when it's safe."

With that,she stayed behind to protect Issac as I went with them. We stacked by the door,Frank and Hudson on either side,with me behind Hudson.

"What are the orders boss?",Hudson asked.

"Flash and clear",I whispered.

"Flash and clear",Frank said pulling out two flash grenades.

Hudson cracked open the door and Frank tossed the canisters inside. There were two loud pops and Hudson fell in with me and Frank behind him. I went straight ahead into what seemed to be the kitchen,checking all the corners and doors as I did. Frank went left into the living room and Hudson tossed another flash bang up stairs before going up.

"Clear",Frank called from the living room.

"Clear here",I called.

"Clear up stairs",Hudson called.

I slung my weapon over my shoulder and went back to the door,sticking my head out and whistling for Emelia. She quickly ran from the woods with Issac on her back to the house. I helped Issac off her and inside. "Nice place",Issac observed. The house looked like something you might find in the US or Great Britain. The interior walls were dark blue with a white ceiling to mix. The carpet was a light tan color and from the door,you could go right upstairs,ahead into the kitchen and from there to what looked like a play room. Or you could go left into the living room. From where I was I could see a sofa that looked like it would fit four,a wooden coffee table,an old analog clock hanging on the wall and a decent sized tube TV. The house was in good shape,but it still looked like it hadn't been toughed in years. Some how we had managed not to bring mud in. Frank returned from the living room and Hudson from down stairs.

"Now that were here",Hudson said,"what's next on the agenda?"

"We take time to clean up and recharge,maybe a day or so. I wanna look at that map again and see were we should be going from here. Frank and Hudson,you guys are on recon duty,look around the house and see if you can find a better map,maybe a working radio. I'mma clean up and then work on Issac's leg."

"Sounds good",Hudson said,"shower's up stairs,dunno if it works though."

"If it works that's good",I told him peeling off my muddy plate carrier,"if it doesn't,to bad for us."

I set both my machine guns down in the corner by the door before walking up stairs. I searched around before I found the bathroom,which I then entered. I could see by the light of my Maglight that the floor was white tile. There was a stand alone shower in one of the corners with a bathtub opposite it. There was a cabinet with a sink built into it by the door with a mirror on a medicine cabinet. I walked over to the shower and tried it. Much to my surprise,it came on with some real good pressure,i ran my hand under it and to even more of a surprise,it was hot.

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