Chapter 3

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"Fucking hell, why is it so goddamn hot!!"

Mad Sweeney yelled up at the sky. He had already taken off his jacket and tied it around his waist sometime ago and was thinking of doing the same thing with the tank top he had on. He didn't know how the mortals who lived in this state could stand the heat. All he wanted to do was find Bailey, check on her coworker with her then take her home and to have sex with her again and again. There was just something about her that was so damn tempting that made him hunger for her.

While they had been getting dressed in her room, he had been beyond tempted to toss her back onto the bed and not leave it until neither of them could move. He growled low in his throat, as he thought of the man that she was on her way to go see at the hospital.  Sweeney never saw himself as the jealous type, but he was of the bond that Bailey and Marcus shared. Taking a calm breath in, he continued on his way down the road. From what the police officer told him it would take about three and a half hours to get to the OASIS hospital on foot.

The nice man had offered him a ride there, but Sweeney needed to clear his head after his chat with Mr.Wednesday and kindly refused. All this coming war would bring were casualties for both sides and the old man couldn't see that. Yeah he would fight and he would enjoy himself but he wouldn't enjoy snuffing out other gods when there were so few of them left as it was.  Most had either faded away or were in hiding. While the very slim few were seeking alliances on who would come out on top, the Old Gods or the New Gods.

He let loose several foul curses as he wiped the sweat from his brow for what seemed like the fifth time and got to work on taking off his tank top. Shucking off the sweat soaked garment, he put it around his neck. A sigh of contentment broke free from him with having the damn thing off. While he had been lost in his thoughts, a car had pulled up next to him and an elderly gentleman was trying to get his attention. Sweeney approached the car cautiously until he was standing just in front of the passenger side door. The old man offers him a smile and asks. "You look like your lost Sonny, do you need a ride somewhere?"

Sweeney grinned at the old man and replied. "That I am sir, could you please give me a ride to the OASIS hospital. I'm supposed to meet my girlfriend there." The old man frowned at that and asks. "She's not hurt is she?" He offered the man a reassuring smile before responding to. "No, she's perfectly fine, she's visiting one of her coworkers who got hurt recently." Sweeney watched as the man took a deep breath and then leaned across the car to open the passenger side door. Opening it, he says to Sweeney. "Come on in, I'm heading in that direction anyway and can drop you off. Don't want to make that girlfriend of yours wait too long."

Mad Sweeney couldn't help but grin, as he slid into the passenger seat closing the door behind him with a soft thump. Sitting back, he closed his eyes and just listened to the old man's voice drone on as they got back on the road. All too soon he felt himself doze off, only to be woken up a short time later by someone shaking him. Cracking open an eye, he started to tell the person to fuck off when he realized that it was the old man. Sweeney offered him an apologetic smile before saying. "Thank you again for the ride sir, I greatly appreciate it."

Clearing his throat, the old man replied back. "I'm glad I could help. Hopefully, this will be the last time I see you walking alongside the road." Thinking to himself, Sweeney doubted that it would be the last time he would be hitchhiking, but the old man didn't need to know that. Plastering a grin on his face, he says half-heartedly. "I don't plan on it anytime in the near future." Satisfied with Sweeney's answer, the man lets out a small sigh and says softly. "Better get going, you don't want to keep that girl of yours waiting too long."

Opening the door, Sweeney maneuvers himself out of the car and closes the
door with a soft thump. He smiles and says to him. "Drive safe, and once again thank you for the ride here." The man inclined his head then puts the car in reverse and drives off. Taking his shirt from around his neck, Sweeney pulls it over his head, grimacing as the still damp fabric clings to his skin. He then heads towards the entrance to the emergency room. Stepping through the doors, a sigh of relief escapes him as the cold air hits his face, he then glances around hoping to see Bailey sitting in one of the many chairs in the room.

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