Chapter 21

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Death let out a feral curse as the monster sank its razor-sharp teeth deep into his right arm. It let out a warbled chuckle at his pain and pushed its teeth in deeper.  Without giving it much thought, Death yanked his arm away from the beast and howled in utter agony as it took a chunk of his arm along with it.  The coppery scent of fresh blood coated the air and that seemed to put the beast in a frenzy. He had little time to lift his scythe up before it tackled him down to the ground. Grunting as his head hit the ground, Death glared frigidly up into those beady black eyes. It's breath ranked of carrion and rot along with just utter nastiness. Willing for the contents of his stomach to stay put.

He then growled out the question that had been on his mind since he had first laid eyes on it. "What the hell are you?" Its thick lips spread into a malicious grin giving him a clear view of all of its teeth and rumbled out in a voice that seemed to shake the Earth beneath him. "Just a beast hired to remove a pawn off of the board..." Not liking the sound of that, Death manages to wedge a foot between the two of them and kicked the beast off of him. Dirt and leaves covered him as he maneuvered himself back onto his feet. Twirling his scythe between his hands, Death then snarled in that two-toned voice of his. "Let's just see which pawn gets wiped off of the board!" The monster let loose an animalistic howl that sent the hairs on the back of Death's neck to stand at attention.

Ignoring the pain in his arm Death drew on his powers and once again he took his skeletal form. He then charged straight for it and aimed his scythe straight for its head. The beast dodged the first blow and struck him across the ribs. Though now it was off balance and could not dodge the second strike that took its head clean off its shoulders. Its head hit the ground with a sickening thud. And a hush fell over the forest as Death fought to catch his breath. All of a sudden the world started spinning and he found himself on his knees before the monster's corpse. If he didn't know better he swore that the bastard had broken a couple of his ribs.

Every time he inhaled it felt like shards of glass were piercing his chest. Then there was the bite wound to his arm. Which right now it felt like it was on fire. Shadows gathered at the edges of his vision and just before he lost consciousness a deep voice whispered in his ear.  "I told you that a pawn would be wiped off of the board..."  Bailey came awake with a jolt and let out a sleepy groan. Pushing herself up slightly she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and let out a girlish shriek as she came face to face with Thanatos.  Scrambling off of him and then off of the bed she put quite a bit of distance between them.  Propping himself up on his elbows, he cocked a brow at her antics and rumbled out sleepily. "Are you always so lively in the morning sweetheart, or am I just special?"

Glaring at him, she opened her mouth to let out a retort when he suddenly slung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.  Stretching his arms above his head he let out a grunt as one of his shoulders popped. He then offered her a Cheshire-Cat like grin and then started stalking towards her. Frantic, Bailey glanced about the room for any means to get away from or fend him off. But the only way out of the room was the door at his back. And there was nothing within reach that she could throw at him. Thanatos soon had her backed against the was and loomed over her. Several emotions played out in those brown eyes until he leaned down and kisses her passionately.

Bailey placed her hands on his chest and tries to push him away but he gently took ahold of her wrists and moves them above her head.  Moving to her throat he laid a chaste kiss to her now hammering pulse, he then rumbles out softly. "You smell absolutely divine Bailey..." Not sure what to say to that she tugged feebly at the grip he had on wrists and pleaded of him. "Please let me go Thanatos!" A throaty chuckle rumbled in his chest as he rubbed his growing erection against her earning him a soft moan. While her mind rebelled against the idea of sleeping with this man.  There was a small part of her that wanted him to take her in his arms and pleasure her so profoundly that she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.

As if he sensed where her thoughts had gone Thanatos let out a possessive growl and lifted her up into his arms. And headed straight for the bed. Laying her down onto the bed, he loomed above her as he fought to regain some sense of control over himself. Speaking of control, Bailey felt her own dwindling away. Now that her wrists were free she reached a hand towards his face and cupped his cheek gently. Time slowed to a snail's pace until Thanatos suddenly barked out a curse then made his way off of her and stormed out of the room. Slamming the door shut behind him. Letting out a ragged sigh, Bailey maneuvered herself into a sitting position and glared down at her hands.

Her emotions were an absolute muddled mess inside her head. It felt like she was being pulled in several directions. While she wanted to stay true to Mad Sweeney and Death there was just something that drew her to Thanatos. But at that moment where Thanatos could finally have his way with her. He had left her here alone on the bed pining for his touch as well as his company.  Since Sweeney had left her here with him, they had only seen each other in passing and for meals. Scrubbing a weary hand down her face she slung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. She then marched towards the door to go search for Thanatos when an all too familiar voice whispered sensually in her ear. "That man is a fool for leaving you unprotected Miss. Rogers..."

Bailey felt the blood drain from her face as she glanced behind her to see none other than Mr.World standing behind her. As memories from the torture that she had endured at this man's hands played out in her head. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. Her body started trembling uncontrollably as one of his hands made its way underneath her shirt. She wanted to cry out but all that came out was a frightened squeak. Mr.World let out a dark chuckle as he cupped one of her breasts in his hand. He nipped at her ear and growled out harshly. "You'll be coming with me Bailey, your just too valuable of a pawn to just let you slip out of my grasp."

Utter terror seized ahold of her at his words, and she immediately started struggling to get free of his hold on her. Finally finding her voice, Bailey cried out. "Thanatos, help me please!!" An animalistic roar resounded throughout the house followed by the pounding of approaching footsteps. The sound of something hitting the door caused her to let out a frightened shriek. Barking out a laugh, Mr.World tightened his hold on her and states calmly. "Well then, shall we be on our way Bailey?" As a last resort to try to get free, she leaned down slightly and sank her teeth into his left arm. Grunting in pain World burrowed his free hand in her hair and yanked her head back.

Crying out she reached behind her and clawed at his hand. Having enough, he threw her down on the ground and snarls out. "Your making this more difficult than it needs to be Miss. Rogers!" The door creaked and groaned as Thanatos slammed into over and over again. Bailey glared murderously at Mr.World then hisses back at him. "I will not allow you to use me over Mad Sweeney again!" Finally, the door gave way and Thanatos charged inside. Chest heaving, he took one look at Mr.World and snarled. "You will not take her from me World!!" Letting out a dark chuckle the New God stepped up beside Bailey then purred huskily. "Your already too late Thanatos, she's mine..."

Scrambling back up onto her feet, Bailey manages to cry out sharply. "No!!" The last thing she saw was Thanatos running for her when a blinding flash of light surrounded her and Mr.World whisking them away. Coming to a sudden halt, Thanatos tilted his head back and roared up at the ceiling. His powers surged at his emotions transforming him into his true form. Glaring at the spot where the two of them had been standing he rumbles out harshly. "I will save you, Bailey, this I swear!"

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