Chapter 5

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Sweeney couldn't help but grin to himself as he watched Bailey sleep the morning away. During the night she had tossed and turned in her sleep as well as mumbled something about swearing off alcohol forever but had soon settled back against him. Suddenly bored, he starts singing softly the song Loch Lomond.

"By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond, Where me and my true love will never meet again, On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond."

"O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road, And I'll be in Scotland afore ye, But me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond."

He flinched as Bailey let out a moan and wrapped an arm around his middle. Not wanting to wake her, Sweeney didn't dare move as she burrowed her face in the crook of his neck and laid a chaste kiss to his hammering pulse. She then let out a sleepy sigh and was soon fast asleep. Satisfied that she wasn't going to wake up he went right back on singing.

"'Twas there that we parted, in yon shady glen, On the steep, steep side of Ben Lomond, Where in soft purple hue, the highland hills we view, And the moon coming out in the gloaming."

"O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road, And I'll be in Scotland afore ye, But me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie, banks of Loch Lomond."

"The wee birdies sing and the wild flowers spring, and in sunshine the waters are sleeping, But the broken heart it kens nae second spring again, Tho' the woeful may cease from their grieving."

"O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road, And I'll be in Scotland afore ye, But me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond."

Sweeney glances at her to see if she is still asleep but is surprised to see that she is now wide awake and looking at him with awe. Sleep still coated her voice as she said. "I didn't know that you could sing handsome, you have an amazing voice." Blushing, he offers his thanks to her and asks her in all honesty. "How are you feeling this morning lass? Is your stomach still bothering you?" As she pondered his questions Bailey couldn't believe how cute he was.

He obviously hadn't meant for her to hear him singing, but she was sure glad that she had. The man could sing, he had a rich baritone and couple that with his accent made it the sexiest thing she had ever heard.  It was then her stomach decided that it was ready to let some food in and lets out a very loud and obnoxious growl. Blushing, Bailey opens her mouth to say something but Sweeney puts a finger against her lips and says. "You get dressed and I'll head to the kitchen and make something for breakfast."

Before she could come up with a reply, he maneuvers out of the bed, grabs his boxers off the floor, puts them on and then without another word takes off for the kitchen. Letting out a tired groan she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and then just stared up at the ceiling. Her mind filled with thoughts about a certain ginger, some pure and others not so much. The smell of freshly brewed coffee suddenly hit her senses and she let out a moan. Throwing back the covers Bailey flung her legs off the side of the bed then began the task of locating her clothes.

She had just finished getting dressed when she heard that drool-worthy voice start singing once again. Grinning, Bailey did her best to hum along with the words as she made her way towards the kitchen. Though it soon became difficult to do even that as he switched to singing in Gaelic. Peeking around the doorway to the kitchen, she sees him standing in front of the stove cooking up something that smelled delicious. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees two steaming hot cups of coffee and silently creeps towards them.

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