Chapter 4

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Bailey groaned as she tossed and turned in bed. No matter what position she put herself in, after a few minutes she would need to move to a more comfortable position. Her mind was full of negative thoughts, one of them being that Sweeney was leaving. Every time that thought came to the surface her chest would hurt. An irritated groan filled the room and she lets out a squeal as she was pulled back against Mad Sweeney's chest. He then growls in her ear. "If you don't stop fidgeting right now, I will do things to you so you won't have the energy to fidget!" Giggling she glances back at him and says. "Is someone not a morning person."

Kissing her shoulder Sweeney growls out. "Hell no, I'm lucky to get out of bed before noon and that is also with the help of several cups of coffee." Bailey maneuvers around until she's facing him and wraps her arms around his waist. She plants kisses along his jaw and nibbles on the sensitive skin of his neck before purring. "Why don't you stay here and I'll go brew us a pot, then maybe the two of us will go get a bite to eat." Sucking in a shaky breath Sweeney replies back huskily. "And what if I have something to eat right in front of me."

She fought to come up with some kind of response when Sweeney took control of the situation and rolls over until she is once again pinned beneath him. A gasp escapes her as she feels his very large erection pressing against her opening when her stomach lets out an obnoxious growl. He tries his best to cover a laugh with a cough but is unsuccessful, leaning forward he brushes his lips against hers and rasps out. "I better feed you, before I feed myself." Bailey feels her cheeks heat in embarrassment and mutters apologies under her breath. Ruffling her hair Sweeney says to her gently. "Nothing to be embarrassed by sweetheart should have fed you last night but I got sidetracked." He waggles his eyebrows at her earning him a laugh from her and then maneuvers himself off the bed.

Glancing around the room in an attempt to locate his clothes, he soon feels a stiffness in his shoulders and stretches his arms above his head.  An appreciative groan resounds through the room, glancing behind him Sweeney sees Bailey staring unabashedly at his naked backside. He bit back a groan of his own as her breasts were uncovered and the sheets of her bed were pooled around her narrow waist. Biting his cheek in an attempt to get his priorities straight Sweeney quickly located his clothes and was in the process of pulling on his trousers when he feels two small hands touch the middle of his back. As if he couldn't get any harder for the beauty behind him, he feels his control begin to slip.

Sending a silent prayer to whatever gods were listening, he glances back at her and rasps out. "You are killing me lass, let's focus on getting you fed and we'll go from there." A mischievous grin splits across her face as she runs her hands up and down his back making his blood heat to an almost unbearable degree. Then all too soon she steps away from him and goes about gathering up her own clothing and getting dressed. Grateful for the distraction he sets back to getting himself dressed. Bailey was the first one to finish getting dressed and smacked his ass as she sauntered out of the room. Letting out a yelp, he quickly finished getting his clothes on and races after her.

Laughing, she races into the kitchen with Mad Sweeney hot on her heels. She lets out a shriek as she was lifted off her feet and set on top of the kitchen counter. Still laughing, as he puts himself right where she wants him to be Bailey manages to gasp out. "And here I thought someone wasn't a morning person." Nipping at her throat he growls out. "I wouldn't exactly call this awake, I'm just running on autopilot." She goes to say something when a feminine voice screams from outside. "Bailey Rogers you have five seconds to get out here or I'm going to break this door down and beat your ass!" Cursing, she struggles to get off the counter but Sweeney pins her in place with a glare. Pointing back towards the living room he snarls out. "Who in the hell is out there, and do I need to kick their ass."

Rubbing a hand down her face, she snaps out. "That would be Marcus's younger sister Allison and no you don't need to kick her ass." The woman in question starts pounding and kicking on the front door and screaming obscenities. Looking up at the ceiling for guidance, Bailey then shouts out. "Allison just go home, do you think fighting me will get Marcus out of the hospital any faster!" The noise outside escalated to such a degree Bailey didn't think her front door would survive the abuse. As if he sensed what she was about to do Mad Sweeney flashes his teeth at her and growls out. "If you think for one second that you're going out there alone, then you would be mistaken."

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