Chapter 6

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Bailey kept crying out his name in a hope that he would come and save her. The two muscle heads snickered to themselves at her attempts and started whispering among themselves. She wished that she had been able to put her shirt back on, it made her self-conscious that her breasts were pressed into the back of the man carrying her. The only man that she wanted touching her breasts was back in her bedroom allowing these assholes to take her away. Death suddenly steps up beside her and says in that deep voice of his. "You have nothing to fear from Wednesday Miss. Rogers, he will see all your needs are met." Bailey meets his gaze and asks him. "Should I fear you then?"

He gives her a wolfish grin and replies back. "Absolutely." Mr.Wednesday lets out an undignified snort at that earning him a glare from Death. She glances back and forth at the two of them, not really sure on what to make of them. From what she'd gathered so far since her first meeting with Mr.Wednesday is that he seemed rather old-fashioned. While Death, on the other hand, seemed more laid back almost nonchalant about the things going on around him. As she stared at him, he turns his attention back onto her, those black eyes seeming to burrow deep into her soul. Shivering, Bailey then asks Mr.Wednesday. "Where am I being taken too, if you don't mind me asking?" Putting his hands behind his back, he replies. "To a safe house, and that's all you need to know."

She wanted to say something, but the look Death gave her stilled her tongue. It was then that the man carrying her suddenly pulls her down and sets her on her feet though he takes a hold of her elbow in a firm grip. The two muscle heads quickly ushered them towards a black SUV a couple houses down from her own and Bailey soon found herself sandwiched in-between Mr.Wednesday and Death. Blushing, she folds her arms across her chest in a vain attempt to hide her nudity from these men. Then they were off, the man behind the wheel of the car was driving like a madman moving in and out of traffic earning them the blaring noise of car horns behind them.

Death casually puts an arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer to him. Bailey let's out a surprised squeak as he burrows his face against her neck and whispers to her softly. "It's a shame that you belong to Sweeney, I would have claimed you in a heartbeat." He then lays a kiss against her hammering pulse and then reluctantly pulls away from her.  Grinning at her shocked expression, Death then says to Mr.Wednesday. "How much longer until we get to this supposed safe house of yours One-Eye." He glares at Death then responds back tartly. "We should get there within the hour, now can you please stop flirting with this woman and focus."  Bailey shudders as a sudden darkness settles over Death and for a brief moment she see's him for what he truly is.

A skeletal mask covers half of his face then in an otherworldly voice he growls out. "Don't forget that I chose to side with you in this war One-Eye, and that can change in the blink of an eye." The energy in the car becomes almost electrical as Wednesday hurtles curses at him in a language that she had never even heard before. She thought that they would have come to blows if the muscle head driving the car hadn't called out to them. "Boss, I'm going to take a shortcut. It'll cut the drive time in half." Taking a calming deep breath Wednesday says back to him. "Do whatever you need to do to get us there Nicolas." Death takes a few deep breaths of his own and soon the skeletal mask fades away leaving behind the handsome face she had come to know.

Bailey wanted to say something if anything at all, but the words died on her tongue. Clutching her arms tighter around herself she whispers to the two of them. "Whatever this war you two and Mad Sweeney are apart of, it has nothing to do with me." The two of them glance over at her but it was Mr.Wednesday who answered. "Whether you want to or not my dear, you are already apart of it. Those who seek to do harm to Sweeney will use you against him if they can get their hands on you." She blanches at that and asks out of curiosity. "Who is it that you're going to war against?" He lets out a defeated sigh, then says darkly. "People who think too highly of themselves and who want all the power for themselves despite the consequences."

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