Chapter 25

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"Fuckin' hell!!"

The curse rushed past Mad Sweeney's lips as he was forced back into consciousness as his face was slammed up against what seemed to be a car window. Groaning, he went to sit back down when an all familiar voice shouted out. "Where the fuck did you learn to drive you worthless piece of shit!!" The revving of an engine followed by muted shouting echoed out from next to the car he was in. But the supposed piece of shit had more common sense and kept on driving. Laying back he scrubbed a weary hand down his face and growled out. "How the fuck did I get here?" A snort of disdain came from the driver's seat followed by Laura stating plainly. "I carried your drunk ass into this shitty car after one of Wednesday's ravens attacked me when I tried to ditch you at the mansion."

Not caring that she had tried to ditch him, Sweeney only wished that he had been able to see her get attacked by Wednesday's raven. Pulling a coin out of thin air he turned it end over end in his hand and asks her out of open curiosity. "So what is the plan, dead wife?" The silence that followed was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife. As his stomach started to slosh and churn from not having eaten anything for several hours. He worried for a tense moment that she wouldn't answer him and then he would throw up all over the floor of this shitty car. When she piped up suddenly. "My only priority is finding Shadow, whatever you choose to do I don't give a fuck about ginger minge." Chuckling softly at that, Sweeney tossed the coin up into the air and watched as it flipped end over end until he snatched it out of the air.

The lukewarm metal dug slightly into his palm as he looked up at the patched-up roof of the piece of shit car. He then murmured more to himself than her. "The things we do for the people we love..." An image of Bailey's smiling face chose that exact moment to pop up in his head. Gritting his teeth against the dull ache that started up in his chest. Sweeney silently wished that she was safe and sound and out of harm's way but who was he kidding. With shit hitting the fan between the Old and New Gods it would be a miracle if she was still alive. The same could be said about Death too, he was probably slowly decomposing somewhere in the woods that he had left him in. Not wanting to put any more effort into worrying about them, Sweeney locked them in a box within his mind and threw away the key.

Pulling his hat back over his eyes, he then maneuvered his body until he was somewhat comfortable and then rumbled out. "You may be a corpse but I am not. Please for fuck sake find a cheap hotel soon!" He heard her mutter out some sort of vulgar reply but he had already drifted off into a fitful slumber. Bailey let loose several foul curses as she crashed to the floor of an unknown room with Death on top of her. Her bruised and battered body complained loudly as it honestly felt like all of the air had been squeezed from her lungs. Wiggling an arm between their bodies she gave her best effort to try and shove him off of her. But to her dismay, she failed miserably to do so. Chest heaving Bailey manages to rasp out weakly. "I would normally enjoy having you on top of me handsome, but right now you're crushing me.

Could you please get off of me?" There was a slight pause followed by him letting out a pained groan before responding. "Sorry sweetheart, just give me a sec, and I'll get off of you." Smiling softly to herself, Bailey ran her now free hand through his hair in comfort. They were both free of that sadistic bitch Media and could focus on healing. A not-so-subtle cough suddenly echoed around the room followed by a familiar voice calling out from the doorway. "You both look as if you've been to hell and back my friend. And also nice to see you back in one piece Miss.Rogers." She and Death let out synchronized growls of annoyance though he beat her to the punch by snapping out harshly. "Nice to see you too Thanatos, you worthless bastard!"

A throaty chuckle rumbled from said cocky bastard followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. Bailey tensed up slightly, as memories from her time spent with Thanatos played out in her mind. Heat scorched a path across her face in embarrassment and she let out a soft yelp as his handsome face came into her line of sight. He offered her a cheeky grin and then rumbled out to Death. "Let's get you up my friend before your lover suffocates underneath you." Bailey felt Death let out another growl of annoyance before he responded tartly. "I don't need your damn help, I can manage it myself!" There was a tense pause, followed shortly by Death letting out a pained grunt as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. Concern for the big guy must have shown on Bailey's face as he gave her a small reassuring smile. And then finally he maneuvered himself off of her. Finally able to breathe freely, Bailey took in several deep breaths. Then maneuvered herself so that she was sitting upright, close to where Death was.

A sheen of sweat covered his brow, and he was taking slow shallow breaths. Whatever Media had done to him had taken its toll on him. Thanatos eyed the two of them with open curiosity but he surprisingly kept his mouth shut and waited for them to speak. Bailey absentmindedly reached a hand towards Death and gently took ahold of one of his and threaded their fingers together. Letting out a tired sigh, he then pinned Thanatos with a knowing look and then states rather plainly. "Media is dead, I killed the crazy bitch myself." Shock flitted across, Thanatos's face but was quickly replaced with a wolfish grin. He then chuckles darkly and growls out. "You've painted a rather large bullseye on your back Death, Mr.World will be coming after you with a vengeance now." Shrugging his shoulders half-heartedly, Death rumbled back. "He's got other problems than finding me right now, besides it will only be a matter of time before Media is reincarnated."

Bailey looked over at him in shock and then manages to rasp out. "How is that even possible? I saw you cut that bitch's head clean off of her shoulders!!" Glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, Death responds heatedly. "It's only possible Bailey because she has enough followers, all of the new Gods can do this because of that." A shiver of dread went down Bailey's spine at that. Looking from him to Thanatos, she found herself asking the two of them. "And what about the old Gods, do any of you still have this ability?" Death opened his mouth and started to respond when Thanatos cut in with. "Very few of us still do sweetness, due to the simple fact that our followers are slowly dying off one by one." Fear for them and Mad Sweeney squeezed at her heart tightly. She opened her mouth to say something when Death interrupted her by saying grimly. "That's why Wednesday is dead set on this war because if the old Gods somehow manage to win then the mortals will have to start worshipping us and we will be at full strength once again!"

Thanatos let out an undignified snort at that which earned him a frigid glare from Death. Cocking an inquisitive brow at him, he then states dismissively. "Wednesday and any God who agrees with him are fools to think that this war will remedy the situation that us the old Gods are in." He then folds his arms across his broad chest and waits for Death to respond. Several emotions played out across his friend's face but the one that shown clearly in those dark eyes of his was fear. Fear of being forgotten and disappearing forever from this world. He watched as Death looked at Bailey and felt jealousy burn in his gut at the utter devotion he showed her in a single look. She smiled warmly at him and squeezed his hand in comfort. Death then glanced back at Thanatos and rasps out weakly. "You may be right my old friend, but what other choice do we have?" A feral snarl rumbled in his chest and before he could give it much thought Thanatos roared back at him. "You fucking live your life, you stupid bastard! You enjoy every single fucking day with that beautiful woman next to you and not regret a single moment of it!!"

Chest heaving, he then turned on his heel and left the room before he did something stupid. The slam of the door had Bailey jumping out of her skin. She hadn't expected Thanatos to care so much but he had surprised her. A resigned sigh rushed past Death's lips suddenly and he gently removed his hand from hers. Unsteadily, he made it to his feet and headed for the door. Bailey made as if to follow after him but he turns back around slightly and says softly. "Stay here and rest Bailey, I won't be gone long. I just need to go and find Thanatos..." He then turned back around and left the room without sparing her another glance, and closed the door softly behind him. Muttering several foul curses under her breath, Bailey slowly made it back onto her feet. She went to take a step towards the door but Death's words echoed in her head. And silently she knew that the two of them needed some alone time right now.

Exhaustion clouded her thoughts and she found herself glancing around the room. Until she saw where the bed was and headed straight for it. All but collapsing atop it, she burrowed her tired body into the blankets and fell fast asleep. Her dreams are filled with a world without Death or Mad Sweeney in it. A frightened whimper makes its way past her lips but she does not wake up but she does pull a pillow tight to her chest and hangs onto it as if her life depends on it. Outside the window of the room, a raven sits on a tree branch silently watching her. It then blinks slowly before letting out a soft caw and then takes flight into the inky black sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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