Chapter 17

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Bailey came awake to being in a room that she did not recognize at all. Glancing about frantically, it soon became very clear to her that whoever lived in this room loved the colors blue and green because the walls were covered in various pieces of art in multiple shades of those colors. Brows furrowing slightly in confusion she then mutters to herself. "Where the hell am I?" Maneuvering herself off of the bed she padded across a hardwood floor fully intent on going to find Mad Sweeney and Death when the only door of the room opened and in stepped the two men in question. Shock at seeing her up and about had them halting in their tracks.

The silence that followed was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife. Cheeks heating in embarrassment as they continued to stare at her had Bailey muttering under her breath. "Do one of you plan on explaining where we are or am I going to have to knock some sense into those heads of yours." Death chanced a look over at Sweeney before offering her a sheepish grin and then replied back nonchalantly. "This is one of my personal hideaways that I've bought over the years, for whenever I need some alone time, it's well enough hidden that we should be safe here for a time" Relief washed through her briefly at the thought of Wednesday or Mr.World being unable to find them here.

But the tension in their shoulders proved that they still yet had something to tell her. Cocking a brow at Sweeney, Bailey whispers softly. "Whatever it is you need to tell me just go ahead and say it." Sweeney stepped forward and took her hands in his, then took in a deep breath before saying to her gently. "When Wednesday calls us to arms, we will be going by ourselves." He tightened his grip on her hands and continued hoarsely. "You will be staying here where it's safe." She felt like she had just been sucker punched in the gut. Yanking her hands from his she pinned them with a frigid glare and snarled out. "That's not your decision to make!" Death held out his hands in a passive gesture then says soothingly. "Bailey we're going into war with these power hungry bastards and we both are unwilling to risk your life by bringing you with us into battle."

She suddenly found it hard to breathe, the mere thought of these two dying in battle had her trembling uncontrollably and soon she felt the warmth of tears streaming down her face.  Choking back a sob, Bailey manages to get out weakly. "I-I don't w-want to lose either one of you, you've c-come to mean s-so much to me t-that I can't imagine m-my life without you both in it." Hiccuping, she hurriedly attempted to brush away the tears but they continued to fall. In the next moment, she found herself wrapped up in a tight hug and the scents of whiskey and freshly picked roses became the only things she could smell. Sweeney whispers in her ear."Lass, no matter what happens in this war I don't regret stepping into your pub that night and I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to come back to you once everything is over."

Death cleared his throat and then states rather shakily. "While I may have not known you as long as this big lug here has, but I can't imagine my life without you in it either Bailey and I make the same pledge that I will do everything in my power to come back to you once everything is settled." Clutching at the both of them tightly, she manages to get out in-between sobs. "I guess that's all that I can hope for." They then stayed like this for several minutes until a deep voice calls out to them. "I don't mean to interrupt such a tender moment between you three but I have food ready if you all are hungry." Bailey lifted her face to meet the gaze of a man with warm chocolate brown eyes.

His skin was toasty brown in color, and he was dressed in a form-fitting light blue tank top and light grey fabric shorts giving her a fine view of his muscles. Black hair was shaved close to his scalp along the sides but kept long on top. A throaty chuckle passed his lips and he offered her a lopsided grin then says to Death. "You didn't tell me your friend was so beautiful, I might have a hard time holding myself back." Blushing slightly, Bailey lowered her gaze and mentally told her sex drive to please calm the fuck down. Then as if he could sense where her thoughts had just gone, Sweeney let loose a possessive growl that reverberated in her bones and he then wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her back against his chest.

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