chapter sixteen

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Authors note-

Hey! Just to let you guys know, I'm going on holiday next week so I probably won't be writing, which means I may not get an update out next friday.

I'll try to write some this weekend, but I just procrastinate a lot lol. So, sorry in advance!

As always, comments and votes are appreciated and let me know if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes and I'll fix them.

Enjoy :)


"Sam, thank god"

Sam stopped and looked up at Noah wide eyed, like a deer in the headlights. Noah didn't seem to notice his shock and shut the door, dropping the key on a set of draws and jogging up to him, hugging him tightly.

"I've been looking for you all night!" Noah informed him. When he noticed that Sam wasn't hugging back, but was instead staring blankly at his chest, he pulled back.
"What's wrong..?" he looked down at the bed, noticing Sam's packing "what are you doing?"

Sam pushed back from him, zipping up his backpack.
"I'm going home" he stated, slinging the bag on his back and slipping his trainers on. Noah watched him, frowning.

"What?" He asked, confused.
Sam looked up at him with a dull expression. Then he saw Noah's own expression change, just slightly, as if he was remembering something. Noah mumbled something which sounded like a curse word under his breath, before stepping forwards towards Sam.

"Sam, about that girl, I-" Sam cut him off.
"Save it" he huffed, storming towards the door - only to have Noah block his path and stand in front of said door.
"Listen, she kissed me. And I pushed her off straight away!"

"And why should I believe you, Noah?" Sam questioned, his jaw clenched and his eyebrows knitted. He really, really wanted to believe him, but he wasn't one for blind trust.

"I-well.." Noah couldn't think. How could he prove it? His first thought was to just kiss Sam right then and there, but then he figured that would probably just make things worse - unlike solving it like what happened in movies. How could he fix this? He found himself thinking about it, only to realise that Sam wasn't in front of him anymore.

He whipped around and saw Sam, who had a hand on the door handle. Noah did the first thing that came into his mind and grabbed Sam's wrist, yanking him backwards - only for Sam to hiss in pain and snatch his hand back, clutching his wrist with his other hand.

Noah, confused at Sam's reaction, grabbed Sam's wrist again (gentler this time) and stretched Sam's arm out, examining the blooming, finger-shaped green bruise on it.
"What's this?" He demanded. Had Sam got into trouble last night? Was that why he wasn't at the hotel when Noah checked?

Sam pulled his arm back forcefully, pulling his sleeve down and glaring up at Noah.
"Nothing" he snapped, crossing his arms.
"It's clearly not nothing, where were you last night?!" Noah shot back, clearly concerned.
"I could ask you the same thing!" Sam retorted, his voice starting to raise (he wouldn't be surprised if the entire floor could hear their dispute right then).

"I told you! I was out looking for you all night!" Noah shouted. The pair of them were fuming now, so Noah knew they needed some space.

He grabbed the key off the draws and flung the door open, rushing out and slamming it shut before Sam could even think about running out before him.
He locked it and stormed off, ignoring Sam's banging and shouting. He needed to call the girls.

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