Chapter 13 - Glad To Be Back!

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Lucas/ 'The Reaper's PoV

"Nerd!" They shouted while throwing eggs at me. Arghhh... F those kids man... Out of the blue my phone starts ringing *Ring *Ring. The caller ID says it's Elliah (ey-la-yah). I immediately went somewhere Isolated like the storage room it's in the basement/ underground of the school, because nobody goes there. You might be wondering why? 

Well, let's just say Elliah doesn't call me at all incase, there's something going on. I reached the storage room and locked the doors. I checked if there was a human being there but seen none.

Once I felt, like I was safe I picked up the phone.

"Somethin' wrong?" I asked

"Khalid's got her"

"Well, looks like it's finally time"

 And we that I ended the call. You see I'm not a fucking nerd, I'm a gangster. Being a nerd is just my cover. And now, time to get her


Aria Isabella's PoV

I'm sure by now they got the news already. And I know they are going to get me. Because to be honest with you. I'm not just a typical girl, I'm more than that. So time goes by I probably have been here for about a day now and you might be like, you have a knife and some hairpins why not unlock the lock?

Well, because there are about thousands of criminals and gangsters here and if I escape now. I'm not even gonna make it out alive.

But, don't worry there gonna  come for me.

~~~~A boring ass hour later~~~~~

*Gunshots* *Bomb's exploding*

They are here, I thought to myself.

Time to get the fuck outta here. I unlocked the lock using my hairpin, I used about 5 hairpins because I haven't done it in years so I kinda failed in the first few tries.

I got out of the door and 2 armed people, pulled out their guns but before, they could even do it. I punched them and K.O'ed them in 1 punch. Hell  yeah! I thought to myself.

I got out of the dungeon area and got to the grounds and bodies we're flying everywhere.

I saw some foreign faces that I didn't expect to be here and I noticed they were Leo's gang. He came for me? I questioned myself.

I got to this ballroom part of the house I saw Leo just killed somebody

"Leo" I shouted and ran to him.

"Isabella? How did you get out?" He furrowed his eyebrows and hugged me

"I picked the lock" I winked and broke the hug

"It would've been amazing, If I saved you myself, but who cares as long as you're safe I'm happy" He gave me that billion dollar smile and kissed me. I stood there frozen and kissed back

"Awww! Look at these lovebirds" A voice said that made us broke our kiss

"Khalid!" Leo said sternly 

"Look who it is, It's the American Bitch" He said to Leo.

"You know each other?" I asked

"Of course! My ally was about to be the top gang then this bitch came in" He said while pointing a gun to us.

"LEAVE!" Leo shouted.

"Listen here lover boy, give the girl and I will give you a chance to leave or I will kill you" He told us

"Fine, I will just don't hurt him" I slowly approached him

"Isabella!" Leo said with the toned the sounded like he wanted me to come back.

I slowly stared to approach him and Bam I thew my knife at him and head shotted the bitch.

"Who's dead now bitch?" I said while Leo came running towards me, hugged me and kissed my forehead

"Next time don't ever do that and how did you do that" He gave me a questioned look.

"Leo, I think its time that I tell you a side of me" I broke the hugged and turn my back on him

I slowly lifted my shirt until it was under my boobs and I showed him my tattoo of a black dragon.

"You're a Dragoness" Dragoness are the female gang members of The Holy Black Dragons.

"And I'mIronFist" I said so fast.

"What?" He aked

"I'm Iron Fist" As I said that he looked like he seen a ghost

"So uhmm... do you want an autograph?" I asked jokingly 

"I have so many questions but first, let's get the hell outta here" He said

"So what question do you want to ask?" I asked nervously

"About your gang, nobody knows how many people you have. And the only people seen by your side is 'The Phantoms' while fighting" He asked chuckling nervously while scratching the back of his head.

You may not know this but me and 'The Phantoms' wear bandana mask in our mask, so that nobody will now about our identities.

"Around the world, there is about 600,000." I said proudly. My gang is the biggest there is

"So what happen to all the people" He asked

"We worked secretly, we still do the same thing but, my gang members doesn't use our names, that's what the older members do because they need a living, while the younger ones. I commanded them to continue going to school. They did but they didn't left the gang. Even when I was in LA I continued working" I said

"Wow, you really are som-" he was cut off by a very familiar voice.

"Aria!" I know that voice because that is 

"Lucas!" Lucas' voice. I ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged me back and spin me around

"Whoah! It's the whole members 'The Phantoms'. It's 'The Reaper', 'Diablo', 'The Unholy or The Sinner', 'Steel Forge' and Midnight'" Leo said interrupting our reuniting moments with a voice of amusement.


Well, the secret is finally revealed!!

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