Chapter 14 - 'The Phantoms'

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Leo's PoV

If questioned me from the start if I ever expected Isabella to be Iron Fist, I would be like 'The fuck you talkin' about?'  but now. I have officially changed my mind.

Growing up when I was a teenager, I never put my head into becoming a gangleader but I would always see in the television a gang that is always chased by the police for years but never caught.

A gang that you think the members are some kind of mutants. And especially there leader that everyone would call the She-Devil, The Monster and your worst nightmare. I always treated her like a saint. And what they call her is Iron Fist, her name is a pretty self-explanatory to herself.

I remember news all around the world would have news about her saying she dismantled someone's jaw by just one punch, she was a pretty badass, but then, One day she disappeared into thin air, no clues nor goodbyes.

That's why I took it upon myself to investigate but even though my parents were billionaires I still could not find just a hint about her. I even hired a hacker to hack some CCTV's but no sign of her.

The last time everybody saw her was when she was at the rooftop at this building and helicopters we're flying above her then, she made a salute with her 2 fingers and goes back to building.

She never went out the building, Swats and police departments investigated every inch of the building but no sign of her. And that's why I decided to make a gang and find her but during 3 years I accomplish a lot, I became a top gang in America

But I couldn't top what Iron Fist did in history and I couldn't find her still and now she's standing right in front of me and also with 'The Phantoms'. Wow just Wow.

Aria Isabella's PoV

"Uhmm... this is Leo, by the way" I introduced

They gave each other a man hug (A/N That sounds weird. I know) 

"He's a uhh.. the gangleader of 'Crimson Black'" I said to them.

"Oh... I've heard about that gang in America, hey sis, is he your boyfriend?" Dante says.

"NO! But we're kinda pretty close" I said while blushing a bit but I covered it up.

"Ohhh... sis has some CRUSHYY" Isaiah said.

"Stop it!"I said but Isaiah just gave me a smug face.

"Leo, this is the Phantoms"
"Excalibur- 'Steel Forge
Elijah- Midnight
Isaiah-, 'The Unholy or The Sinner'.
Lucas-The Reaper'

"OH it's Deathrow" Excalibur said

"What's up with you? And Bella?" Elijah said, being overprotective.

"Elijah it-" he cuts me off


"Did you just... shush me?" I ask with disbelief

And then Isaiah burst out laughing, then we all laughed.
I haven't upload in days.
Because I was on vacation
But I will start updating regularly soon.






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