Chapter 16 - Secrets!

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Yes! I know I haven't updated for like 10 years again, but hear me out, there is this weird glitch in my account, where if I save a story it won't. SOOOO I learned that I cannot draft anymore so... I took the time to write this on a NOTEBOOK! I really hate writing things but... sister we need to sacrifice. I don't know why you're still reading this part BTW!


Aria Isabella's POV

"Ma,pa" I said, as I took a deep breath.

"Is there something wrong, honey?" My mom said. While putting her hands on my shoulder to comfort me.

"I...I'm Iron Fist" I said with a teary eyes. I saw sadness and disappointment in their eyes and that what pained me the most.

And then I just started crying, crying my heart outloud. "Ma, pa. I...I" I started to say but I just cried again.

"It's okay, we already know, honey" My mom said, and thats when, the world stopped spinning.

"What do you mean?" I stopped my dramatic cry and asked them.

"Our old house has some secret CCTV's and we would saw you, go out every night and sometimes see some gangsters, went to your room. We decided to send you to the US to atleast control you, but I guess it didn't work. The private guards we hired for you, were ex-military and they send someone was also seeing them down. And we just knew who it was" My mom ended.

"I'm sorry ma, I really am." I knelt down.

"We know, I know you are just trying to help some of them and the community but you're also adding to it. Aria you need to understand that in every good there is bad. Its just how the world goes."My mom also knelt, down and wiped my tears out.

"I know I'm harsh but, I'm just trying to protect you, you're our only child and I wouldn't even make it, if something bad happens bad to you." She added.

"Promise me something, please?"She started crying while hugging me.

I continued to cry, because I know what her words will be.

"Honey, can you?" my dad, asked and also knelt and hugged us.

"Yes" I replied.

"I know, you know what I will ask, but can you just at least try and help them a bit, then stop?" Yep! this is what it is.

"I'll try" I said.

"Remember, we still love you, honey ok" My dad comforted.


We stopped, our overly dramatic moment, when we heard the knock. My dad got up, to open the door.

"Sir, the Lunch is ready" The maid said, with her thick accent.

"Yes, we'll be there in a minute" My dad said.

"Ok, Sir" The maid replied, then walked away.

"Ok, drama is over. My stomach is hungry so let's gwoooo" My dad said jokingly.

"Ok! Fine" My said while, wiping her tears. 

The rest of the day went well, I told Leo about the drama moment, he laughed but said he wished he could do the same, but his parent will probably kill him for it.

The only good thing about being a gangster is that you can put some mask to hide your identity, and you can be who ever you want, and free to do things.

But, the world is cruel and judge mental, you might think that you have freedom, but is this what really freedom means? Getting judge by society in any means. Most of us are under the society's prison. We must meet their goals and reasons? But for what? To be something We're not?

I listened to this girl's speech, it was kinda good making some of us realize, that we're under society's prison. The girl's name is Lily, I think this girl is suffering from depression. I don't know.

"Hey, what you doin'" Leo asked.

"Nothing" I boringly replied. 

"Wanna go have some fun?" He asked daringly

"Sure...Why not?" I replied.

When, he said it was fun and dangerous, I mean we went to sky climbing and do parkour stunts and illegally doing tower climbing. But I gotta admit it was fun.


Oh, I have a new sucky book that I will release soon and actually you can get a sneak-peek, if pay closely to the chapter. 

Anyways my writing still sucks.

But don't forget to





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