Chapter one

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She lied in a dark space, unfamiliar to her. Just as her eyes began to adjust she

was blinded by a bright green light. Through squinted eyes she saw that a staircase was the source. Cautiously she stood. Her legs felt weak but she did her best to stay up and moving. She climbed the stairs and found a glowing violet door. She put her against it and heard a female singing on the other side.

"What a beautiful voice" she thought with a small smile. She continued to listen for quite some time. Eventually she put too much pressure on the door and it slowly opened with an echoing creek. The singing stopped, it felt as if her heart did as well.

"How long do you plan on merely standing there, my child?" The singer asked, her speaking voice was just as enchanting as her singing,

"I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, ma'am" The young lady apologized, her voice cracking slightly in embarrassment, and perhaps even a bit of fear.

"There is no need to apologize" The singer lightly chucked "I've been waiting for you to arrive, my child. Please come in and join me. I've been rather lonely"

The young lady nervously entered the room. Once more the area was very dark, the only lighting was a white-brick fireplace that illuminated two elegant white chairs.

"Please, have a seat. I have a story I wish to tell you" The singer said motioning to the chair beside her. Once the girl sat down her breath escaped her. The singer was a pale skinned woman with dark hair put up in a messy but still elegant bun. She wore a white dress with long lace sleeves . She looked like a goddess to the girl.

"Once upon a time in a place far, far away, there was a young girl who was looking for her father" She began "This young girl was the princess of the land. She had received news that her father had recently returned from his trip to a foreign country, in hopes of forming an alliance with them. He thought it would be simple since his queen was from said country. He was wrong. When the princesses found her father she was horrified. The king was decapitated right before her eyes. The assassin was someone she knew very well, who she saw as an older brother. It turns out he was a spy for the other country, undercover as the castle stuart.

He saw the young princess, so she fled as fast as she could, but her small legs could only go so fast. He stopped her easily. He already had royal blood on his hands, so he figured he'd add another body to his count" She paused for a moment and stared at the fire. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"But something in him told him to stop, to spare the little princess. Instead of killing her, he merely knocked her unconscious. While she was knocked out, the assassin escaped, and she had a very unusual dream. Similar to the one you are having, my child. She dreamt that a goddess had spoken to her. That she had made a deal with her, the princess agreed to be entertainment for the goddess in exchange for eternal life. When she awoke she found an odd stone under her pillow. She had her servant make it into a necklace charm for her.

Many years passed and the princess had nearly forgotten about that horrid day. There was a grand ball being held in the palace to celebrate her twentieth birthday. There were many foreign royals there, most of them unwed and were there in hopes that they would be selected to court the princess. She danced with many but there was only one who actually held her attention. A man ten years her senior, he wore a red suit that complimented his handsome dark features and hair. His fiery eyes were what really captured her heart though"

She paused to sip from a tea cup, where it came from was beyond me.

"She thought that it was love at first sight. So she led the man away from the crowded party in hopes of getting to know him better" Her tone changed from one of indifference to almost anger. "The moment that they were alone he held her close to himself. Moving her hair from her back to her left shoulder, he kissed her neck, and stabbed a blade through her heart. He let her fall to the floor, and watched as she struggled to cling to life. Cleaning his blade he said, "I win this round". She had no idea what he meant and she soon passed."

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