Chapter 3

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I fell to the ground defeated and gasping for air. It felt like my lungs were going to collapse.

"Get up, we're not done yet" Alexander ordered

"Can't..we..take a...break?" I wheezed

"Not until you've landed a blow on me." He replied

"I thought I was the captain" I said trying to use my practice sword to help myself up "Shouldn't I be the one giving the orders?"

"I only listen to those I respect, fyi. So even if you gave me an order I sure as hell wouldn't listen to it." He stated "Nobody that goes down as easily as you is going to have my respect."

He offered me his hand, I took it and immediately felt a wooden sword press against my stomach.

"You're dead, again" he said letting me go.

"Seriously?" I whined "I thought you were helping me"

"I am , I'm helping you learn to stay on guard and never an opponent. Not even a practice one" he replied.

I stood, tightened, and took a fighting stance. He came at me full speed, I could barely see him. I managed to block his first strike but got smacked in the throat. I let out an odd noise and grabbed my aching neck.

"Dead" was all he said. I shook off the pain and got back into position. I got 'killed' five more times before lunch was over. I was lucky that I didn't get any serious bruises, I don't even know how would explain anything like that to my parents.

Emerald and I had to walk home that day and get our Erin along the way. Out house wasn't too far from the school so it was no big deal. The only thing that took long was when Emerald had to use the bathroom mid-way. I couldn't take her whining so we stopped at small store. While Erin and I were waiting I could've sworn I saw Melissa walking with an older blonde man

I couldn't help but wonder where she met him, so naturally I asked her about it that night; she just blew me off.

Was kissing a girl all I had to do to get her to leave me alone? I'm starting to wonder why I didn't do it sooner.

The next day went on like the one before, and so on. My fighting was getting better, mainly my defense was improving. I was still unable to land a proper strike and getting sent flying onto my butt every ten seconds though.

This is gonna take me awhile.

Shadows moved slowly between the trees as a hooded marched along. The air was frigid and hurt his lungs with each breath.

"Why couldn't she of went a planet where was no winter" he grumbled, pushing his scarf over his mouth. He was busy carrying a pile of firewood back to his cabin. He kicked open the door and set the stack down.

"I don't understand why you wanted to stay here if you don't like the cold." A soft, alluring voice said "You could've just stayed on the ship after all"

"I wanted to experience what life is like here before I end it" he replied removing his scarf and gloves "Besides, I get far too bored on the ship. I can only be cooped up there for a small amount of time"

"You really have to have to work on your attention span" a woman said as she walked out of the shadows. Her form was blurry and had small specks of black coming off of her, like pollen from a dark flower. She wore a long black dress and gloves that went up to her elbows. She had hair darker than night and bright yellow eyes. "Before you know it you'll be bored with me as well"

"That could never happen, love" He replied gently stroking her cheek "I could never get tired of that face"

He went about his way to make a fire.

Soul StoneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang