Chapter 9

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A month came and went before I knew it. Tomorrow I'll have to give that bastard my answer. The answer that I'm still not sure about. If I deny him, I'll be in the same situation as Eliva, being on the run from that monster, watching planet after planet be destroyed by him, just to get to me. If I don't deny him I'll be stuck with him till my last breath. I know it's selfish, but I just can't stand the thought of that. I refuse to be his, but I can't let this world, or any others be destroyed.

Is there any chance of me stopping him? I know that I have the power to bring him down, but... can I actually kill someone?

I don't have a choice do I. I...I have to end this. Since the beginning I've said that I'd win this. I may not be able to get my happy ending, but I can still win. Now isn't the time to get cold feet and cop out. I need to be brave and win.

The girl sat up slowly. This would be her final story. The one she's been waiting for this whole time. She ran up the stairs. She ignored the rough voice's song and busted through the doors. She didn't take the time to observe the room or even the new woman's appearance. She merely focussed on where they were and bolted straight for them.

With all the girl's might she punched the woman square in the jaw.

"Son of bitch!" The woman cried out

"That's for being a bitch to Leilah!" the girl yelled before punching her again, "And that's for everytime you hurt her!"

"God damn where did you learn from hit like that" the gruff woman asked rubbing her aching jaw.

"From Alexander" the girl answered a bit out of breath from all the running.

"He taught you well, I see. Or well feel" she replied "It's nice to meet you too Kirara. Do have anything else you need to do, or can we just get onto the story?"

"Hold on" the girl said before hitting the woman again

"What the hell was that for!" the woman snapped

"That was just for the hell of it" the girl shrugged before taking a seat from the storyteller. "You can start now"

"Good" the woman grumbled "There was once a lover who was slaughtered by someone she foolishly trusted. Because of her carelessness many innocent people were slain, worlds destroyed. Soon after her death a warrior was born to fix her mistakes. But as hard as she tried the warrior could not win a single battle. She tried to build a small army of those she deemed worth of fighting beside, so did her opponent. Her underlings proved themselves to be far superior to her in combat. World after world, battle after battle she began to lose touch with what little remained of her feelings, it got to the point where she either felt numb or anger, nothing else. As you know she did not handle her temper very well and often took it out on those she close to her."

The woman got a little nervous when she heard the girl crack her knuckles.

"A-anyways, the warrior fought with all her might during her final battle. She had actually dealt a good amount of damage to her foe before she met her end. We fought through space, through Earth's atmosphere, only to have it end the same as always; With Lucian as the winner. I got a sword shoved through my heart. The last thing I saw was his smug grin as he withdrew his blade."

"Is that everything?"

"No, no it's not, Kirara" the woman said "After she died she was trapped within a stone. Fully aware of everything that was happening around her, around them. We were kept within the goddess's domain, watching as you grew until the day we were given to you. The closer we got to you the stronger the stone's ties to you were. Leilah believed that the stone connected itself to its user's physical form, but she was wrong. It connects itself to its user's soul. The more time it is in your possession the weaker my bond to it becomes. It won't be long until it releases me, and I'll cease to exist."

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