Chapter 4

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It was the middle of the night when I finally got back home. I had just stepped onto the welcome mat when my life ended. It ended with a bang as my house blew up in front of me.

I could feel debre getting launched into me. I watched as blood shot out of my mouth and into the flames. I was sent flying, tumbling to the ground in unbearable pain. Gasping for air, tears stinging my eyes. I could see a light coming from my neck, the stone was doing something.

Oh god, am I dying? No no no no! I'm not ready; not now!

I could feel the depre being pushed out of me, and the skin the explosion damage was repaired. To my relief the stone merely healed.

I sat up slowly, my body still ached from the fall. Squinting through the pain my vision was filled with the burning remains of my home. A sob caught in my throat. My whole life was burning to ashes before my very eyes. I outstretched my eyes, trying to grab at what little remained; tears spilling down my face.

"Erin, Emerald" I cried "Mom, Dad, no...oh god no....e-even Marcus and Melissa"

I couldn't believe what had just happened. Anger surged through me as I struggled to me feet. I scanned the area for who could of done this, but there was no one; no one to blame; to take my anger out on. I let out a scream that I didn't know I could even make, it sound so inhuman. Ice shot out from foot; it started to form dome around her.

More and more tears stung my eyes, fuelling my scream until my anger was gone and only the tears remained

"Why....why did this happen?" I sobbed

"To break you of course" a sweet voice answered me. I felt two thin arms wrap around me and a pair of lips by my ear, neither of them were familiar to me. "After all, how can you truly be a part of our game if you haven't been broken yet? It took Eliva losing everyone she'd ever loved for her to becoming part of our madness. So why should you be any different?" The voice erupted into laughter before releasing me. I spun around and was shocked to see a face identical to mine own, the hair and eye color were different, but there was no denying that face.

"Who are you!? Why do you look like me!?" I asked in complete shock. This is too weird, I can't have an evil double can I?

"I do not have a proper name, but my master mainly calls me 'love'" She answered "And I do not look like you. I share the face of the one within my master's heart, so do you I suppose. You are identical to the original, while I am the opposite of her modified self."

"A-are you a s-shadow?"

"Oh geez, I don't know, is your family dead?" She said laughing like a maniac. I felt my anger spike again. I ripped off my necklace.

"Ice" I yelled as I lounged full force at the woman, but the demoness dodged me with ease.

"Foolish girl, you can never hope to injure me" she laughed as she kicked me in the gut. I collapsed to the ground clutching my stomach.

"Oh my gods, you're even more pathetic than Eliva was, and that's saying something" Love laughed "As much fun as it is to mess with you I have to be on my way. To be honest I wasn't even supposed to speak to you; just observe your reaction and report back, but this was too good of a chance to pass up. Seeing your innocent little heartbreak makes me happier than you will ever know"

"Do you hate me!?" I screamed

"I don't hate you, Kirara. I hate Eliva , but you are physically still her." She answered with a shrug.

She vanished before I could say anything else. I sat alone in the darkness, staring at the dying flames and remains of what was once my home.

I couldn't believe any of this was happening, it felt like I was starting to lose my grasp of reality. I slowly stood and began to approach the burning building. Ignoring the faint sound of sirens approaching. Flames didn't affect me, steam rolled off of me wherever they touched me. I stopped when I saw a piece of paper that was, by some miracle, mostly untouched by the explosion. The top corners were gone, but the part I would really care about was untouched. It was a family picture from last year, parts of Mom and Dad were gone, but my siblings were perfectly intact.

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