Chapter 11

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"Where the hell did everyone go!?" I yelled

"I think they're up there" Shadow answered pointing towards the school. I was shocked to see a giant ship hovering over the building.

"How the hell did I miss that!?"

"Dunno" Shadow shrugged "No offense, Kirara, but I don't think you're very bright"

"Okay, that hurts coming from you" I said putting my stone back on the necklace. "Well, I better get this over with. Do me a favor, Shadow, go check up on the others for me"

"Yes Kirara"

I left before I knew if she was gone. I had to find Lucian. I had a feeling he was looking for me as well. He wouldn't be on the ship. I followed my gut, and sure enough I found the bastard.

He was smoking a cigarette when I found him, standing on the cliff with the beautiful view. He didn't bother to look back when I landed

"I've been looking for you" I said taking off my necklace.

"I was doing the same for you, til I gave up" he said letting out a puff of smoke "Are you happy with your choice?"

"I will be once I have your head" I summoned my sword and lunged at him. He stepped out of the way with ease.

"Too slow" he chuckled, putting out his cigarette. "If only you didn't run from me"

He dodged me again. "I could've taught you so much"

The way he said that just pissed me off. Before I realized it he was right in my face. I was sent flying back with an unbearable pain in my chest. I tumbled to the ground. When I sat up I saw my shirt and chest were slashed.

"Son of a bitch" I hissed as I cover myself up. I wonder.....

I focussed and made the armor on my arm spread to my chest.

"Nicely done, my dear." Lucian said as I finally realized he was standing beside me. He kicked me in the gut. Why didn't I make the crap full body!? He snatched me by my hair. He pressed a claw against my cheek. I winced in pain as he applied more and more pressure, cutting deeper into my soft cheek.

"You really shouldn't of denied me" he growled "Perhaps this'll be a lesson for the next round"

"No matter how many rounds go by. I'll never chose you" I spat

"So you're going to be as foolish as Eliva" he growled

"Damn right I am" I yelled as I clawed his stomach. He let out a pain filled growl as he dropped me. I was met with another blow to the stomach. He ripped the stone from his bracelet and swung it at me. Flames came darting at me. I stopped them with a stream of ice.

I slowly stood and took a fighting stance. He laughed at this but did the same. We charged at each other. I did my best to keep up with his movements, but he was too fast. Damn that dragon speed. The only thing I could see were mere flames.

Before I realized it the whole area was clouded by steam. Damn it! As if finding him wasn't hard enough! I stumbled around, trying to find him. The only thing I found was the cliff edge when I fell off of it. I didn't bother to fly. I was greeted by the water. I was surprised by how warm the water was. I closed my eyes and let the water wash my pain away. It was so comforting.

That's when I felt it. A surge in my blood. My body was reacting to the water. My eyes shot open and I tried to let out a scream of pain, but only air bubbles escaped. My lungs were starving for oxygen, then it suddenly stopped. The pain, my need for air, it all stopped. I blinked in confusion.

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