Chapter 2

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I awoke with a start as I heard my bedroom door open and slam shut. I looked around, slowly remembering that I was on the floor. I glanced up at my bed and noticed that Leilah was already gone, she left my bed made perfectly.

Dang, that's better than what mom can do.

I glanced over towards the door and noticed a girl with bright orange hair and green eyes standing there. She had a large suitcase beside her. She had on a white wool shirt, a red circle scarf, fake 'geek' glasses, black leggings, and those snow boots I've seen every girl at school wear. I couldn't help but let out a sleepy groan. Why is there an average white girl in my room?

"Morning roomy" she greeted, sass oozing from her voice

"Good morning" I yawned "Who are you exactly?" After dealing with Leilah and her weirdness, I wasn't really fazed by a random girl being in my room.

"I'm your cousin Melissa, remember? I'm staying here til my parents are back from their anniversary trip to Europe" she answered"Did your mom not tell you?"

"She probably did, but I was more than likely not listening" I replied scratching my head. I stood up and threw my pillow back on the bed."There's a fold up bed in the hall closet. I'll set it up for you. You can go ahead and put your stuff away if you'd like. There should be some open draws in that dresser."

I left to get the fold up bed, but found Emerald dragging it out already.

"Hey, what's up" I asked before yawning again.

"Nothing much, just getting this thing out for one of the terror twins." she replied

Terror twins? Why does that sound so familiar?.......Oh my fucking god, she's that cousin!

I face palmed, suddenly remembering who exactly that orange haired girl was. Our cousins, Melissa and Marcus, the terror twins as we used to call them, were the biggest d-bags we have ever encountered. They used to tease us all the time. They made fun of Emerald for being chubby, and me for being adopted.

"Your parents were probably too grossed out by your face to keep you" they used to say. What kind of person teases someone about that?! I'll tell you who, the flippin' terror twins, that's who!

Remembering just who I was dealing with I was tempted to just let her sleep on the floor, or even better, outside. But I shook that thought away, refusing to stoop to that level. I shouldn't be mean to her like that; I'm sure she's not like that anymore,she's probably changed a lot over the years.

Since Emerald was getting the fold up bed I went to the garage and got the inflatable mattress. When I came back to my room I was a bit surprised to see my covers and pillows on the ground with a pile of my clothes on top. Aren't those from my closet?

"Hey cousin, So sorry about having to take over your closet. My outfits got all messed up in my suitcase, and there's no way I'm making it any worse by trying to put them in a drawer" Melissa said not even turning around "Oh and I don't sleep on fold out beds, they mess with my back you see." she finally looked over before saying "The same goes for inflatable mattresses, so I'm sleeping on your bed. You can keep your covers and pillows, I packed my own."

I took a deep breath and pushed away any anger or irritation that was forming.

"Oh, I also cleared out the nightstand. All your junk should be under your clothes." she stated.

"How long are your parents going to be in Europe for?"

"Probably until summer comes. You're stuck with me till then, mystery baby" She said sticking her tongue out at me. Great so I'm still stuck with that nickname.

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