Chapter 1

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Timidly, Meher reaches the place where he asked her to come and meet. Reaching there hadn't been an easy task. Going through all those feelings of nervousness; afraid of getting caught by family; worrying about coming into view of the world - everything that she once went through years ago, isn't an easy thing to endure again! A feeling that she abhors today! And specifically when a bitter past is invading your life again, what worse can there be anything for you to feel?

But this she isn't doing because the residue of the feelings she once had for him is left in her heart. No, absolutely not! There is nothing in her heart for him except - hatred and regret! He is amongst those pasts of her life that she would love to extract out of her life and destroy them forever! But alas! when has life been easy on her? And one of the main reasons for her life to turn out to what it is at the moment - is this person to meet whom she is here! This she is doing to end what began a long time ago and took rest for few years and it's back in her life again to ruin it!

She was confident when she left her house to come here. Confident that today she would not get timid in front of this devil and come out victorious. Let him know that she is not interested in him and may he cease to show his inclination towards her!

She is matured, actually more matured than the girls of her age, he cannot manipulate her this time, again! And then the past experiences have taught her big deal, and that's exactly the reason of her maturity isn't it?

And why would he do anything? They are here to talk and end this calmly so why should she be nervous about anything?

Despite having thought all that and mentally prepared for everything that comes her way through this meeting, at this moment, standing at the threshold of his room, Meher's feet are shaking!

The place where she is right now, is a chawl kind of, something better than that may be. The area gives her a feeling that he must be staying here on rent. Another thought enters her mind - is it even his house or he is misleading her? This thought increases her breathing rate. But no, she cannot get nervous now. If she is doing this, she needs to stand bold in front of him, to let him know that she ain't scared of him. Nervousness is not allowed! But how can this be his house?

Where is his family? - she wonders!

This is not the right time to think about all that. Let's get to him and be done with this, once and for all! Let's end this! Thinking this, nervous still, she knocks the door.

Little did she know, this is not the end, but a new beginning! Beginning that she never thought about even in her wildest dreams! Her juzzbaatt is that of nervousness mingled with confidence. Only that the amount of confidence makes it almost negligible.

Within moments he opens the door for her and welcomes her with a big smile on his face as if elated to find her there. As if he was craving to be with her like crazy! He cares less about how Meher is hesitating to look towards him. And even if he does notice, he takes it as shyness of Meher over her nervousness and afraid. Such a heartless he is!

He makes way for her to enter the room. Meher enters nervously, making sure that she doesn't by any means touch him or he tries to touch her. He doesn't make any effort to touch her, such a gentleman he is!

He shuts the door, locking it after she enters. He doesn't forget to check that no one has followed her uptil there whilst closing the door.

Whom exactly are you concerned about by the way? Who do you think might have followed Meher to here?

Satisfied that she is alone, he shuts the door and puts the latch. The sound of which skips Meher's heartbeat and she turns to look towards the latch. She doesn't understand why staring at it she feels - this is it! She falls into a dilemma. She wants to run away yet wants to stay a little while to sort out this situation and throw him out of her life. But again she also goes numb as he latches the door!

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