Author's Note

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Started on 14th May 2018. Ended on 22nd May 2018. Took eight days to wrap up this story. And I can't explain my Juzzbaatt on completing my second story on Naushad and Meher (NAUHER).🙈❤🙈❤🙈❤

If I talk about the title I was particular about using it. Normally when I give title to my story, I have the concept in my mind already. But with this story I had the title first with me, then the concept! 😂😂😂

I wanted to write my second story on Naushad and Meher. I wanted to use the title Juzzbaatt. 🙈❤😍 I knew HAQ SE has potential to get the title of Juzzbaatt. And which else scene could come into mind when we are thinking of HAQ SE and JUZZBAATT simultaneously if not this scene?

I always wanted to write on such a concept not because it's a bold concept but because it's a serious issue and has a lot of potential to write about. Initially I kept postponing it due to some reason or the other but with HAQ SE, I finally got a reason to start writing on such concepts.

I don't know how much this story succeeded in touching your heart. May be there are things which you didn't like. May be there are parts which must have been difficult for you to accept but I guess this is how I wanted the story to turn out like. 😉

But thank you so much to all my constant readers, voters, commenter, silent readers as well 😉 for sticking to the story and liking it. To all those who commented especially because your comments constantly motivated me. Means a lot to me. 😊

I would also like to add here that I really enjoyed using Urdu words in both of my stories - TU HI ZINDAGANI and JUZZBAATT! 🙈🙈🙈  TU HI ZINDAGANI despite being my first full fledged story where I used Urdu, but it wasn't exactly the first story where I used Urdu. 😝 The first story ever where I dared to use Urdu words was 'SHARIM-VISAAL ZIKR TERA' 🙈. It is based on a Pakistani serial 'Sunn Leyna'. I haven't completed it yet 🙊 but now after having written two stories on HAQ SE, I am really considering completing that story now. 😂😂😂 But let's see when it finally happens. 🙈

Getting back to JUZZBAAT thank you so much for all your support and here I am wrapping up my second story on Naushad and Meher (keeping a count lolz...😜). Hopefully will return back with another story soon.

Thank you
Tata! 😊💖


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