How You Met-Extended-Mush

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I'm sorry if the ending sucks and if the details are kind of weird but I am not a very good dancer so I have personal experience to base this on. In any event this is one of my longest chapters yet so that's good! I hope you liked this chapter and please remember to vote and comment!


You and your friends were on your way to Tibby's. You girls worked at a factory that made clothes. You had just finished a very big order and decided to treat yourselves to a meal at Tibby's. You arrived and sat at a table. At the table next to you were a bunch of Newsboys. 'Newsies' they called themselves. Right? They were being really rowdy and loud. "Have they ever heard of quiet!" said your friend Clara. You chuckled and shook your head. Clara just enjoys complaining for the sake of complaining. One of the waitresses (Anna's sister) came over and you ordered. The Newsies at the neighboring table didn't calm down at all during that time. If anything, they got louder. One of the waitresses decided to try and quiet the boys down by putting on some music. A nice, upbeat ragtime tune came up on the phonograph. The Newsies didn't seem to quiet down exactly, but it certainly made for a pleasant distraction from their racket. A couple of them began to 'dance' to it. If you could call the chicken strut they were doing a dance. You scoffed and turned your eyes away from the disgraceful spectacle going on in front of you. "You oughta go over there and show those boys how real dancing looks!" said Clara.

"Aw, I don't know," you said.

"C'mon," said Anna, "you're so much betta dan dem. Show dose Newsies how we factory goils dance."

"Yeah... No." you said, "We should be more dignified than to start a fight ova their horrid dancin." you said. You returned to eating your food, which you shouldn't have been distracted from in the first place. Anna and Clara kept egging you to dance. You finally consented, and said, "Fine. but afta I finish eating." You ate your last bite, and not even a second after you put your fork down, you were forcefully shoved into the middle of Tibby's. The Newsies looked at you and you kind of just stood there at first, but then you took in the beat of the music. You twirled and tapped your feet on the wood floor, you skirts swirling around you. After the song ended, you realized that the newsies had stopped dancing and were looking at you in shock. "I ain't nevah seen a goil dance like dat before." said one of the Newsies.

"Well, now ya have said Anna.

"I bet none of youse can dance that well," said Clara. You facepalmed. They're picking a fight, you have seen this before. Now it's time for you to do what you always do. Get them out of this situation before it goes too far south. "Well, I'm sure they can. Ok now, we're gonna turn around and go back to our table. Let's go!" you said while grabbing both of your friends and dragging them back to your table. "Are youse scared of facin' one of us?" asked/taunted one of the Newsies.

"I nevah said dat!" you replied.

"Den show us dat you're not chicken," stated that Newsie, "c'mon Mush. Show 'er who's boss!"

What. Did. You. Just get yourself into! Oh geez, you decided to just get it over with. I mean, you decided you were gonna beat him! But it was gonna be short. You stepped into the middle of Tibby's a little intimidated but determined. Mush came out into the middle, and you became even more confident. He was one of the Newsies that was goofing off earlier! This was gonna be a cinch. The music started and he took your hand and put his hand on your waist, whoever messed up first would lose. You tried as hard as possible to lose him, you did complicated twirls at the most unexpected moments, yet he kept on his feet. In the end, both of you agreed that you had to stop. You were both exhausted, so it was a tie. "You're a real good dancer, um... Sorry but, I don't know your name." Mush said.

"It's Y/N, and thank you, you are too. I didn't see that earlier when you were dancing with your friends though," you said.

"Oh, dat!" said Mush, "I was just havin' fun wit my friends there. I wasn't actually tryin!"

"Ohhh!" you exclaimed, "Dat makes so much more sense! I was so confused." You both agreed to meet up sometime and just talk. He seemed like a pretty good person. 

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