How You Met-Romeo

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Hi! I am so sorry for not having written recently, but I had a super busy weekend, and my week hasn't been much better. We have less than eight days left of school and I'm still being assigned projects. My teachers have problems. I changed this chapter from what the preference says for Romeo. It says that he flirted with you and you punch him, but here I changed it to, he catcalls you and you punch him. I hope that's OK!


'Finally!' you thought, you just got off of work and were a small moving blob of exhaustion and relief. You couldn't wait to get home, and just sleep. You took a couple extra shifts today, so you had just spent 25 hours on your feet. You were lucky you had gone this way so many times that you could walk it in your sleep. Because you were so tired you were afraid that you might actually fall asleep. You started zombie walking the way home. You saw a couple of your friends, but just nodded in their direction. Human interaction was too much for your fried brain to handle. You knew that if you started talking to anyone, it would either all come out in incoherent mumbling, or you would just be really rude and sociopathic. So yeah, you're not really in the mood to ruin your friendships. And your friends understood, you had all taken the 25 hour shifts in a row at one point. They know that you just need to be alone and sleep. They waved back and continued walking. You were probably ten minutes away from your apartment. 'I wish that I could just somehow magically teleport home. My feet! My poor feet!' you thought deliriously. You couldn't even feel individual calluses anymore, it was just a dull throbbing pain coming from those fleshy lumps and the bottom of your body. You looked up and realized that you were only a few blocks away from home. You stopped for a second and just took a breath, 'This long day is almost over,' you told yourself. All of a sudden, you heard a wolf whistle from behind you. You curled up your fists and took another deep breath. You knew what would happen next, catcalls and some annoying juvenile boys following you home. Any other day you would probably just try to ignore them, and move on, but today, you were too tired to deal with this shit!

"Hey girl, lookin' fine!" one boy said. You turned around. It was some random Newsie who said it. You put on the most menacing face you could, and said, "How 'bout you tell that to someone who cares?" Not the best, but at least you weren't walking away. The Newsie seemed kind of surprised that you stood up to him, but quickly covered that up. You turned around and started walking home again. That tiny encounter had drained necessary energy and patience.

"Hello, hello hello!" you heard a few blocks later. The voice sounded familiar. It was that stupid Newsie and his friends again. Great.

"Look," you said, "I'm going to be nice to you and tell you that I'm in a bad mood. So, don't mess with me right now, unless you want my fist flying straight into that annoying face of yours."

He looked skeptical, you didn't have time for catcalling, non-believing, annoying boys.

"That was your warning," you said as you walked up to him and punched right in the side of his annoying face. 'Ow, his jawline is kind of sharp,' you thought. 'NO. No, I am not going to think of his jawline. Ya know what, so what if he's kind of cute? He's a jerk, and I don't have time for people like that.' You drew yourself up to the tallest you could manage, he was on the ground clutching the part of his face that you punched.

"I warned you, you could have apologized," you stated simply as you walked away.

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