How You Met-Kid Blink

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I am SO sorry for not publishing for the past five days! I had some family stuff going on, and it's generally difficult for me to publish during the weekends. I am going to try to update as much as I can during the coming weeks, but I have a lot of projects and tests coming up because my teachers always end up trying to pack whatever is left in their curriculums into the first three weeks of the last month. I know that it's not really an excuse, but it's the truth. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please remember to vote and comment!


You were outside, FINALLY. You and your mom and younger brother mended clothes from the inside of your family's tiny apartment. And you hated it. You hated being cooped up inside all day, just pulling a needle in and out of a piece of fabric. But it was what your family had to do to survive, and at least the conditions were better than the conditions in the factory that your older brother and dad worked in. You thought about that as you sat on the curb outside your apartment building. The air wasn't clean, it was noisy, and you could barely see more than ten feet ahead of you. But it wasn't the same four walls of your living room. This was as 'outside' as you were gonna get. You decided to take a walk around the block, you were on your fifteen-minute break after all. You had just rounded the corner when you walked right into someone. "Ah geez, sorry," you said as you stumbled backward. You looked up and saw a Newsie with an eyepatch. "It's ok," he said, "but next time, watch where ya goin. You've got a hard head." You laughed, and then you realized that his eyepatch was being held together by just a couple of threads. "I can fix your eyepatch if you'd like, to make up for the damage my hard head did," you said. He laughed and looked at you like he was trying to figure out if you were joking or not. "I really can fix it," you said.

"Um, ok den," he said, "When can ya fix it?"

"Right now if ya want"

He looked kind of skeptical, but he seemed to also be considering it. He finally looked you in the eyes and said, "Ok," You nodded and led him back to your apartment building. "Oh, um, I don't know yer name," you said.

"Kid Blink," he replied, "you?


You led him up the stairs to your apartment, when you got inside you explained to your mom what was going on and why you were fixing this random guy's eyepatch. She seemed a little confused at first but then just shrugged and went back to her sewing. She didn't really notice anything from there on out. The second you walked in the door, your brother was on his way out, considering it was his break. "Can I have your eyepatch den? I think I should also measure your head size you said while grabbing your tape measure. He seemed a little hesitant at taking off his eyepatch, but then he took it off. He had a little bit of scarring around it, and he was obviously blind in that eye, but it didn't bother you. You weren't really a squeamish person. You put the tape measure around his head and wrote down the measurements, you then proceeded to cut out the appropriate piece of fabric from some fabric scraps and fashion it into a new eyepatch for him. When you finished it you looked it over to make sure there weren't any loose stitches, deemed it suitable, and then turned around to pass it to Kid Blink. He immediately put it on and smiled. "I take it dat I did an ok job den?" you inquired.

"Definitely," he answered. "Thank you, I oughta bump into people, more often."

You laughed. He said goodbye and began to walk away.

"Wait," you said, feeling bold, "How's about we hang out sometime? When I'm not fixing your clothes."

He turned around with a smile on his face. "Dat sounds like a great idea."

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