How You Met-Albert

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Hi everyone! I'm SO sorry for not updating for a while! You've thought school being over would have given me more time to write. In any event, I know that this chapter is kind of short, but I hope you like it. Remember to vote and comment! 


Your feet ached, there were lots of customers and there were loud women trying to buy dresses everywhere. The sight of it made you happy inside. You and your sister had started your shop not long ago, just a few months in fact. However business was already booming! You couldn't stand and watch it for long, it was only you, your sister and Maggie, a close friend of the both of you, keeping watch over the shop. You immediately went over to a few women who had some inquiries about a certain style. You kept rushing around, helping people and restocking the shelves and mannequins. It's more difficult to get a dress on a non-sentient, giant doll then you would think. As the mass of customers began to thin out, your sister decided to go on her break, and you and Maggie were left to tend to the few customers that were left. No one needed your help so you just sat behind the register. Your sister came back in and Maggie left for her break.

"Sure were a lot of customers today huh?" you said.

"Definitely," your sister replied. "Guess word of our amazing shop is finally getting around! I kind of wish it would get around a little slower though. We were swamped there for a few hours."

You laughed. Helen (your sister) looked around. Her gaze stopped at the window. She frowned and huffed.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"That newsboy there," she answered. "He's been standing there for a few minutes, just standing. Not selling newspapers, not buying something. Just standing there, loitering. I'm afraid he'll scare off customers."

"Do want me to go out and tell him to go away?" you asked.

"Yes, thank you so much. Y/N/N (Your Nickname)"

You walked outside and walked over to the newsboy, trying to gather your nerve on the way over to him.

"Hey, um yeah. So, this is my sister's shop here and she kind of sent me out here to ask if you could leave the storefront? I'm sorry." you said.

'Well, that was pathetic,' you thought.

The newsboy sighed and got up and got ready to leave.

"I'm sorry," you said again.

He looked at you and smiled. "You already said that, but if you'd like to make it up to me, maybe we could meet up sometime?"

You were kind of surprised but hid it quickly and cautiously said "Sure, you know where to find me," and turned around to go back into the store.  

Newsies Preferences and ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang