How You Met-Finch

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Hi guys! So, I hope this chapter is OK, even though I may or may not have just written in. Anyway, Y/B/F/N means your best friends name, and I hope you like this chapter! As I have said before, I may not be able to update as often anymore, because I have four tests and two projects coming up even though there are barely two weeks and 3 days left of school. Yay... NOT! In any event, I hope you like this chapter, and please remember to vote and comment! 


You and your friends were walking through Newsie Square, you had just delivered the last of the shoes that had been ordered from the factory you girls worked at. You had probably just circled the entire area of Manhattan about seven times. You were tired, grumpy, and your feet and arms hurt. All in all, you were in a bad mood. While your friends talked and complained (mostly complained), you were just silent. You best friend, Y/B/F/N, finally turned to you and asked "Hey Y/N, ya OK? You seem kinda quiet, and dat ain't normal. What's up?"

"I'm fine, just really tired, and achy. Also, I couldn't sleep last night, so with all a dat togedah I'm just kinda grumpy."

She nodded and gave you a half hug with one arm. Then she turned back to the rest of the girls and continued to talk. You just kind of spaced out for a while and just walked with your friends, then all of a sudden you realized that you were in front of a couple of your friend's apartment building. You quickly came to your senses and waved goodbye. By that time the sun was starting to set, and it was just you and Y/B/F/N. "Ya wanna go to Jacobi's and get some water? I'm super thirsty and I need a rest," you said.

"Sure, why not. It's near our apartment building." said Y/B/F/N.

You walked to Jacobi's Deli and went inside. Since it was towards the end of the day, there weren't that many people there, so you both just sat at a table and then ordered some water. You got your drinks and sipped in silence. Then when you both finished, you got up and began to walk to your apartment building. On the way there Y/B/F/N began to talk and gossip and complain and, like the good friend that you are, you listened to everything. You were a few blocks away from your building when, all of a sudden, you felt something hit you squarely in the shoulder, and that something felt suspiciously like a pebble. "Ow!" you exclaimed, quite shocked by the pain. You immediately whipped around and your eyes fell on a shocked looking Newsie who was holding a slingshot in his hand. All of your exhaustion and meek frustration from that day instantaneously turned into red-hot rage. You walked - NO! Stormed over to the Newsie and let it rip! POW! You got him right in the stomach with your fist! Then you let the rest of your feelings from that day loose.

"What the hell was that! Ya think it's funny or somethin' to just shoot people with that stupid slingshot of yours? Ya know what? Someday there's gonna be consequences for pullin' gags like dat! I bet that it won't do anything to ya though, your just one of those boys that don't care who he hurts long as he gets a good laugh outta' it! Well, ya know what? Good luck getting through life ya little ingrate!"

You were still bristling as you finished your monologue. You started taking deep breaths, not realizing how much you needed it till after. I guess that kind of made up for you not talking all day. The Newsie still looked kind of shocked and was clutching his stomach in pain. You looked around and realized that he had a couple of friends with him. 'Whatever, that way he'll be embarrassed. Good.' you thought.

"Jeez lady," he said, kind of searching for breath, " it was an accident, OK? It's dark out and I didn't see where I was shootin' OK? I'm sorry."

"Fine," you said. "but you should learn how to take a punch, especially if you're gonna go 'round shootin' people."

He got up and looked at you in a kind of annoyed/apprehensive way. 'But, wait.' you thought, 'Is it just me, or is there something else written on his face? There is! Is it maybe, no! It couldn't be! Was it... Adoration?           

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