Chapter 2: Banana Splits

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That morning I get up at the crack of dawn, Spencer still fast asleep. I get dressed in a rush, and in a matter of five minutes, I was already on my way back to the hospital.

As soon as I got there, I assumed his parents were in the room with him, so I sat in the waiting room, silently.

I sat for a few hours, just playing on my phone, then his door opens, and Jon's dad comes out. He looks like he just woke up.

"Mia?" he then notices me.

I stand, walking to him, "Mr. Cozart, hi."

"What are you doing here so early?" He seems confused.

I shrug, "I dunno. Guess I'm worried about him. I want to be here when he wakes up."

Mr. Cozart gives me a small smile, "Your a good person, Mia. I wish it would have worked out between you two."

I bit my lip, "Yeah, me too."

"Now," He started, "I'm going to get some breakfast. Old me needs some skittles."

I laugh, nodding, "Of course."

"You can go see him if you'd like. My wife's in there, but she's asleep."

"Thank you." I smile, and he nods, walking off. I start my way to Jon's room.

I walk in, and Jon is in the exact same position. Mrs. Cozart is asleep on the couch, as the tv on the wall shows, as it looks like, a quite intense game of golf.

I go to Jon, and take his hand, "Hey, Loser. I came back, just like I promised. You look the same as yesterday." I chuckled to myself.

"Hey, I read this joke on my phone." I sat on my knees, sitting straight up, though, to see him, "What is a bananas favorite cheerleading move?"

I waited a moment, "Banana splits."

I laugh, and imagine him laughing, too.

I hear another laugh, and I see his mom sitting up, "Morning, Mrs. Cozart." I smile.

"Good morning, Mia." She smiles, "Isn't it a bit early?"

"Yeah, I kind of woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So I came to check on Jon."

"That's so sweet. Where's my husband?" she chuckles.

"Getting skittles."

"Of course, that man is always after skittles." She lets out a laugh, before things got quiet. She stares at Jon, and hurt obviously showing.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, letting go of Jon's hand, and read Spencer's text. He wants to hang today. I sigh, and text him back telling him I'll be home soon.

I look to Ms. Cozart, "I gotta go, but I'll be back tomorrow." she nods, so I kiss Jon's cheek again, "I promise."


I get home and Spencer's already waiting, "Ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" I ask as he stands up from the couch.

He shrugs, "To the park to take a walk. Nothing to special."

"Okay." I agree, and we walk out to his car, getting in.

He turns on the radio, and sings along, but I don't this time. My mind is fixed on Jon, worrying if anything is happening right now.

"You okay?" Spencer asks.

I look at him, "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? Your acting weird."

"Just tired," I lied, but it halfway the truth, "Woke up to early this morning."

He rose a brow, "I noticed you left. Where'd you go?"

"Um, nowhere, really." I shrugged it off.

He stared at me for a minute before continuing his driving.

Soon, we finally got to the park. We got out and started walking on the sidewalk.

Spencer holds my hand, but I don't acknowledge it.

"Okay," He says after a while, "What's really wrong?" He stops, and makes me turn to him.

"Fine, Spencer. If you want to know so badly-"

"I just want to make sure you're okay. I want to help. You know I love you, Mia."

"Yeah, I guess. Love you, too."

"So will you please tell me?" he moves my bangs, putting them behind my ear, smiling slightly.

"Okay, you know my ex, Jon?"

"Yeah." He gets a little jealousy in his eyes.

I sigh, "He, um, he is in the hospital." Tears collect in my eyes.

"What happened?"

"A car ran past a red light and hit him. Spencer, he's in a coma." Then, the tears spill out.

Spencer grabs me into a hug, holding me as tight as he can, "I'm so sorry, Mia."

After a while, people started staring so I calmed myself down, breathing heavily in and out.

"Were you with him this morning?" Spencer asks, us starting to walk again.

I nod, "Yeah I went to his room and talked to his parents, giving them company."

"And I made you leave? God, I'm such a jerk." he blames himself.

"No, Spence, it's okay. I went yesterday, and I'm going tomorrow. It's fine." I smile slightly.

"Good. How's he doing?"

"Not good. He broke his leg, and arm, and his neck. And in a coma, of course." I said.

He sighs, "That's terrible, I'm so, so sorry, Mia."

"It's fine. Hopefully he'll wake up soon, and everything will be back to normal." I give him a smile.

But the thing I didn't know, nothing was going to be normal from that day on.



Sorry, pretty sure this chapter was short but, it was more of a filler. gonna get to the good stuff soon hehehe.

Again my dedication goes out to FrantasticWaters for being awesome and helping me with the sequel.

So what do y'all think? like it so far? hate it?


I should go clean the barn for my clumsy platypuses, platypi?



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