Chapter 6: Movie Villain Medley

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A.N: Song for this chapter is Movie Villain Medley because.. Well I said so. I'll continue with this soon to be rant at the end. Enjoy :)


"Jon's awake."

I jumped out of bed, not minding that I'm still in pajamas from this yesterday morning. Putting my phone in my pocket, I rush out the door, and jog downstairs, trying not to wake anyone.

Closing the front door as quietly as I could, I went to my car, and started towards the hospital, excitedly.

I was literally the only person on the road the entire time, so that was pretty good, getting me there quickly.

I finally got to Jon's room, and opened the door, walking in. I see his mom holding his hand, and his dad half asleep on the couch.

Jon is barely awake, his eyes are slightly open, and his mouth is agape.

"Jon." I shut the door, and go the the opposite side than his mom, and grab his left hand, "Your awake."

"He woke up about an hour ago." Ms. Cozart informed me, tears in her eyes, and she's smiling.

I smile a smile that I've been waiting to let out, "That's wonderful." I can't stop staring at Jon.

"The doctor said he'll probably fall asleep soon." She says.

"Okay." I nod, and as I say that, I can tell Jon slips into sleep.

Ms. Cozart looks at me, "Thanks for coming this early. No one else answered there phones."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I smile.

"You're such a great young woman, Mia. No wonder Jon loves you so much."

Can any one say awkward?

"Thank you, Ms. Cozart." I say, sweetly.

"I'm going to get some rest," She says, and sits in the chair, and closes her eyes.

I continue standing and holding Jon's hand.

I don't know how long I was there, but I somehow fell asleep, leaning on Jon's bed.

A voice wakes me up, and I jump up, rubbing my face, and opening my eyes. I see Jon's dad walk out of the room and Mrs. Cozart reading a magazine.

"What time is it?" I ask, in a sleepy voice.

She looks up at me, "Oh, I'd say about seven. We all fell asleep." She chuckled.

I give her a smile, and look at Jon, who is still fast asleep, "So, where'd Mr. Cozart go?"

"To get us some breakfast. I hope you like IHop." she smiles.

"Oh, you guys don't need to get me anything." I shake my head.

She looks at me, "Oh, sweetie, We insist."

"Okay." I give up with a smile, and decide to go get a drink from the vending machine, "Um, I'm going to get a drink. Be right back." I stand, and Mrs. Cozart looks back to her magazine.

Leaving out the door, I look down the hallway, where thankfully, I see a vending machine at the end of it. I walk slowly, and just think over everything. I can't believe Jon's awake. This is amazing. At this moment, just yesterday, I had no clue if Jon would live. He could have died at any minute.

I don't have to worry any longer.

I put some change in the machine, thanking myself for leaving in a few bucks from yesterday in my pocket. I push the button for a Dr. Pepper.

After some loud crashing sounds, my pop fell into the hole. I grabbed it, and started walking back slowly. I'm going to have to go back home soon for a shower and a change of clothes. I'll go in a little, Spencer should be leaving in a bit for work, anyways.

I get to the room, and enter, seeing Jon's mom standing beside Jon, and his eyes are almost wide open, and he's staring right back at her.

"Jon." I almost drop my soda.

They both look at me, Jon a bit slower. He squints his eyes, trying to see me clearly, I guess. I walk up to him, my heart beating so fast I can hear it.

"Mia?" Jon's voice is scratchy.

"Yeah, it's me." I try not to cry, but my eyes start to get glassy, "I can't believe your awake."

His lips curve slightly, I can tell the effort he is making to smile up at me.

Jon's mom is crying, and kisses his head. Now's a good time to leave, let them have alone time, "Um, I'm going to head home. I need to change. I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday."

"Will you be back later?" She asks, and Jon looks at me hopefully.

"Of course." I smile, and Jon's face lights up, making my smile grow even larger, if possible.

I walk out the door, taking a sip of my drink, but never lowering my smile one bit.

When getting to my car, I get in, and let out a happy sigh.

I just talked to Jon. The boy who I thought I might lose. How great is today?

I got home, and raced up stairs. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse.

Once I finished, I got dressed and put my hair in a ponytail and did my eyeliner and mascara. I then got excited, and left the room. I skipped down the stairs, not a care in the world, I only wanted to see Jon.

But then, I turn the corner, and there's Spencer right in front of me, "Sorry." I mumble.

"Where were you last night?" he asks worriedly.

I shrugged, "I stayed at Chelsea's no big deal. I only came back to change, now excuse me."

"Will you be back tonight?" he asks hopefully.

"Um, no, I don't think so." I said.

His face fell, "Look, Mia, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I brushed it away, "I have to go now, bye." I walked past him, and out the door, ready to see Jon again.



I just had to put this to lead up to important things that's why it's so short and weirdly written. I was in a rush? I guess?

anyWAYS the reason I put a song of the chapter was the entire time I wrote this I was listening to Movie Villain Medley.

Why, You ask?

Well you know how Jon looks just a bit different in every video? well my favorite Jon is Movie Villain medley Jon and I needed inspiration to write something down so I played that.

He's just to adorable in that video. like, seriously how can someone even be that cute.

SO SORRY I DIDNT GET THIS UP WHEN I WANTED TO! YOU SEE, I almost had it finished, but I didn't save it.

I usually would save it every other paragraph so I don't even know why I didnt.

But, the app crashed and there went all of it except the first few paragraphs. sO I HAD TO REWRITE IT ALL WHICH I HATE DOING SO MUCH. so that's why I needed inspiration to write.

The end.


Also, I'm writing a 1D fanfiction, not sure when it'll be up but I know it's going to either be a Louis or Niall story so expect that soon.

This is a long authors note, so it needs to end..... NOW.

I need to go adopt a fish from the shoe store!



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