Chapter 5: Is It Jon?

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My mouth flew open. Spencer, my boyfriend of two years that I started dating only to get over Jon and make him jealous but then grew feelings for, is proposing to me over a plate of heart shaped pancakes.

"Spencer, I don't- I don't know what to say." I gasp.

"I'll give you time, if you need." He suggests, a bit sadly.

I shake my head, "I don't need time. I'll answer this now." I knew exactly what I wanted my answer to be.

His eyes grew, hopeful once again, urging me on.

"I'm sorry, Spencer. I can't." I stood, giving him an apologetic look.

I watched his face fell, and he just sat there, trying to understand.

"It's not you, trust me. God, that's cliché, but it's true. I'm really not ready for this. I gotta go." I choke up, and leave immediately.

Spencer continued sitting in the same position.

As soon as I got into my car, I called Chelsea.

"Yellow?" Chels answers.

"Chels? Can I come over and stay a few nights?" I ask.

"Of course. Is there something wrong?" She asks, worriedly.

"Yes. So many things." Even I can hear that I'm about to cry.

I hear Charlie start crying, and Chelsea tells Troy to get her, and speaks to me again, "Hurry over, Mia."

As soon as I hung up the phone, I pretty much sped to Cheslea's house. I walked up the stairs to Chelsea's door, and Chels opened the door before I even got there.

She embraced me in a hug, even though she didn't even know what was wrong, "Come in."

She sat me down on the couch, and she sat beside me, and I turned to face her. She looks at me, "Tell me everything."

"Well, to start off, Spencer proposed." I said.

"Really? Let me see the ring!" She says excitedly.

I shook my head, "I didn't say yes."

"Oh." Chelsea says, sadly yet apologetically.

"Yeah, I just can't marry him. There's just something blocking me from it. And I don't know what it is." I shrug.

Chelsea was quiet for a minute, "Is it Jon?"

"What? No, of course not." I said, but I was questioning if she was really right.

I continued spilling out my problems, but I felt bad for laying this all on her. She's my best friend, though, the only one I can really talk to, that gives input back that is.

"Why don't you just get some sleep? Sounds like you need some." Chels stands up.

"You're right." I also stand, and follow her to the guest room. I've been here many times, so I feel at home in this room. I lie on the bed and instantly fall asleep.

My phone rings right in my ear. I jump away, wiping my face with my hand, grabbing my phone.

I check the clock, it's three in the morning, who's calling me? I answer, groggily mumbling a, "Hello?".

"Mia?" Ms. Cozart's voice says in my ear.

"Yeah?" I'm completely awake now. Something must have happened.

"Jon's awake."





Anyways, I uploaded on the day I was hoping, *high fives every reader*

How about cookies? *hands out thousands of cookies*

Enough coookies. How'd you think of that?

So I should leave and breed two turtles together to make a snail.



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