Chapter 10: 48, 49, 50

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"Jon," I complain, "If you ask me that one more time, I swear, you'll be a dead man."

He gasps, "That is so violent."

I ignore him, and continue watching The Lion King.

"Mia." Jon says, looking at me from across the couch, where he was lying down, his feet in my lap.

"Jon." I glared at him, "Don't."

He paused, "Wanna play hide and go seek?"

I groaned, "If you stop asking for two whole minutes, I will. Just be entirely quiet."

He nods excitedly, and stares at me, as I turn back to the tv, quietly singing along to "The Circle Of Life".

The song ended, and Jon speaks up, "Its been two minutes."

I push his legs off of me, and get up, "Fine, I get to hide first, though."

Jon jumps up, "Okay!" He closes his eyes, counting loudly.

I quickly run to the kitchen, opening a bottom cabinet, and getting in. I sat down, and closed the cabinet door, the dark surrounding me.

"48, 49, 50! Ready or not, here I come!" He yells.

I heard his feet hit against the floor as he walked in the direction of the bedroom, I smirked to myself, this will take a while.

I sat in the darkness for a while, about 5 minutes, getting close calls quite a few times as I heard his feet shuffle past the cabinets.

Soon, the shuffle of his feet come, and go, then come back, stopping right beside me. Jon starts opening each cabinet, loudly, as if he already knows he's won.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing, and then the door opens, causing me to almost fall out.

Jon laughs loudly as I'm sitting in his cabinet, legs against my chest, "Good one."

"Thanks." I smile, he gives me his hand to help me out, so I take it.

"Your turn." he smirks.

I cover my eyes, and begin the counting.

"48, 49, 50!" I yell loudly, letting him know I'm coming.

I start towards the living room, checking behind the couches. Not there.

I go to the bathroom, checking in the cabinets, and behind the shower curtain. Not there, either.

I wandered to the bedroom, where I checked underneath the bed. Nope. Then, the closet.

I opened it, and turned the light on, shuffling through jackets and clothing. I was about to leave, when I heard a noise, and turned around, seeing him come out from the rack of shirts I didn't care to look through.

"Really?" I laughed.

He shrugged, "You would of found me if you didn't give up."

"I know." I chuckled, looking at him.

Jon's closet was quite small, and so we were pretty close to one other.

I tried breaking eye contact but I just couldn't, "Um, it your turn to count, I guess." I mumble.

"Oh, right." he looks away, and presses his lips into a thin line.

For some reason then, he looked really adorable standing there, awkwardly, and I suddenly had a boost of confidence rush through me.

I took one more step to him, grabbing his face, and kissed him.

He didn't expect it, obviously, but certainly didn't reject. Jon brings me closer, holding my hips as our lips move together.

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