Chapter 3: Come In

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I was sitting on my couch, watching some TV, and playing on my phone during commercials.

Smiling at a text Chelsea sent me, I stood up to get me a drink. Halfway to the kitchen, a knock came, which was weird. All Chels, Troy, and Spencer are at work.

I walk to the door, opening it. My mouth dropped open when I saw Rylie in front of me, tears running down her face.

Something bad must have happened.

"What happened?" I asked, my heart beating to fast to comprehend what was happening.

She sniffles, "They almost lost Jon. His heart stopped for a little bit."

I started getting dizzy, "He's okay now, right?"

"Yeah, they're putting more medicine in him. He almost died, Mia." she started sobbing.

"Come in." I allowed the girl who made me and the love of my life break up. But she looks so helpless.

I led her to the couch, where she leaned on me, crying. Tears threatened me, too, but I had to be strong in front of Rylie.

She cried for a while before it turned into sniffling.

"Do you want some soda or something?" I asked, and she looked at me.

"Yes, please."

"Alright." I stood up, finally going to my kitchen. I grabbed two cups, putting them on the counter, and thinking.

Jon could've died. His heart beat was gone for a moment. I could've lost Jon.

I put my hand over my mouth, trying to silent my cries.

Apparently, it wasn't good enough, and Rylie came in, embracing me, immediately.

I was grateful to have someone here, I wouldn't be able to cope with this news alone. Chelsea would have left work right away, but I wouldn't have let her.

"Mia?" Rylie's voice comes out small and fragile.

I sniffle, and wipe my nose on my arm, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry."

I shrugged, and went to the fridge, grabbing the Coke, and got back to the cups.

"For everything," Rylie continues, "I'm serious."

I poured the coke silently, while she stood behind me. I put the lid back on, and turned to face her, "So, Rylie," I start, "You're sorry for breaking me and Jon up, multiple times?"

She nodded immediately, "So, so sorry."

"You're sorry for saying I slept with the whole town, when I've only slept with one guy?"

"Really sorry."

"You're sorry for making Jon cheat on me, breaking our trust."

"Mia, I-"

"No, you know what? It's fine. Everything's fine." I say, grabbing a cup, handing it to her, "Here."

"Thank you." She smiles brightly, and we head back to the couch.

Surprisingly, she stayed at my house for a couple hours.

Spencer opened the door, and smiled at me, and saw Rylie.

"Oh, hello." He said.

"Hi." Rylie says. I stand up, and she does to.

I walk to Spencer, "Spence, this is Rylie. Rylie, this is my boyfriend Spencer."

"Um, Hey." Rylie shook his hand.

"Hello. Again." Spencer chuckles.

"We're going to go see Jon. There was a bit of trouble this morning." I tell him.

He nods, understandingly, "Okay, see you tonight."

I give him a quick kiss, and we leave.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Rylie says.

I shrug, "Yeah. I've been dating him a while."

"That's nice." she looks as if her mind's in a whole other galaxy.

She leaves to her car, and I get into mine.

As I drive, I think. My enemy, the girl I shared a mutually hatred with., came to me for support. She spent hours in my house telling me stories of her crazy college years. She drank some of my Coke.

There has to be something up with this. There's no way she wanted me to forgive her like this. She couldn't of changed this fast.

Before I knew it, we were walking into the hospital together. Laughing as we went to Jon's room together.

"Hey," Jon's mother answered once we knocked.

"Is Jon okay to be visited?" I asked.

"Yes, come on in." She allows, letting us in.

Jon looks the same, just more tubes put into him.

I sigh, sadly, tears again. I went to my usual side of him, taking his hand and Rylie went to the other side, awkwardly standing.

"Hey, Jon. I've been hanging with Rylie. How are you?"

I imagine him smiling to me, telling me about his day, including every single detail.

"You know he can't talk back, right?" Rylie asked, but then widened her eyes, "Sorry, didn't mean to sound rude." but the apologetic smile didn't meet her eyes.

"Um, it's fine. I just like doing this. Makes me feel like everything's fine."

She looks at me, and nods after a few seconds.

I look back to Jon, telling him more about my day, including a joke I read on Twitter, which both Rylie and his mom laughed at also.

The entire time, Rylie is just on her phone, or watching me talk.

She barely acknowledges Jon even. If that doesn't just scream strange, I don't know what does.

"I should get going." I say, to Jon and both Rylie and Ms. Cozart.

I kiss Jon's cheek, Rylie watching my every move, "I'll be back tomorrow. I promise."

Rylie stands also, "I need to get home to Spencer," I tell her, "So, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." she says, plainly.

I smile to Ms. Cozart and head out of the room.

In my car, I just sit, thinking even more. That's all I seem to do now.

Rylie is to suspicious to be to carefree around. She has something planned. I have to watch what I say and do from now on.

Or she's just actually trying to be nice.


I chuckle to myself for making that suggestion.



What's up guys?

I love all of you seriously so much. Your feedback makes me smile. So much positivity comes from y'all in this book, the first, and Hating My Other Half, it's crazy.

I try to respond to all of you because I just love you.

Anyways, do you think Rylie is suspicious, or is she just trying to be nice?

If your reading this, comment " *sneezes* "


I need to get my pet turtle to the shoe store!



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