Never Forget

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Today was the day, the day I would be getting tickets to Warped Tour. This would be the first time of me going to warped tour and definitely not the last. Some of my favorite bands are going Of Mice & Men, All Time Low, Falling In Reverse, Sleeping With Sirens and of course a lot more. I live in NYC the big apple, I don't see why people think it's amazing but I guess growing up here makes me use to everything going on. To me NYC is just another city to live in. Anyway enough about me and back to what I'm doing. I was walking... well running home from school dodging people and cars from left and right. I was running because in the mail were 4 tickets to warped tour, 2 for July 6 and 2 for July 11. They were for me and my best friend Paige. I was so distracted about getting home I ran into about 100 people and almost got hit by 3 cabs 2 busses and about 10 cars, just another day in New York City. I ran for about 10 minutes before I got to my house... well apartment building. I walked in the door and went to the mail boxes, I took the key and opened my mail box.

"Shit" I mumbled when magazines and junk mail came falling out. I grabbed all the mail and made my way to my apparent door. I unlocked the door and not to my surprise I was the only one home. I lived with my dad and his girlfriend after my mom kicked me out, my dad and his girlfriend worked every day. It was annoying that I never saw them but I was used to it. I dropped my bag on the counter along with all the mail. I flipped through every piece to find the one I was looking for. To Miss. Alex Rose I was jumping up and down when I opened it. Inside of the envelope were 4 tickets to warped tour. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket to call Paige to tell her I got the tickets. She picked up after the 4th ring.

"Hello?" dumbass didn't look at the caller id

"PAIGE! GUESS WHAT" I yelled into the phone

"Umm Austin Carlile liked your tweet?"



"Ouch my ears, and yeah! We have about a month until then"

"This is going to be the best summer ever"

"It will" we said our good buys and hung up the phone.

I slid my phone back into my pocket, grabbed the tickets and my bag and walked into my room. Now I know just about every teen says this but my room is where I live, my dad calls it my cave because I never leave. And who would my room had blue and black walls filled with band posters, old records, pictures of me and my sisters, a picture of me and my brother and my brother's guitar. There is two windows in my room overlooking central park. I had a computer desk in the right corner that had my laptop and my stereo on it along with a printer under it. My bed was to the other side of the room I had black sheets. At the foot of my bed I had another desk but that held all of my makeup and hair shit.

I threw my bag on my bed and picked up my laptop from my desk, and turned on my music it was still plating OM&M new album. I walked back to my bed and sat down with my laptop on my lap. I opened it up to start one of my very last school assignments, I had to write what I was doing over the summer. Now wouldn't you think for my last year in high school they would give us something a little more challenging, then something you would get in first grade. But hay who am I complaining about an easy grade. For my essay I had to make it at least a page; that should be easy because of what I plan on doing over the summer. I wrote about how Paige and I are going to warped tour and that I'm going to meet FUCKING OF MICE & MEN. And what I plan on telling them, about how they saved me and help me through a shit lode of things. And what I plan on doing at warped tour.

Little did I know I would be doing the complete opposite.


Authors Note

Hey guys, so this is my second story DON'T WORRY I will be finishing "Hiding from the pain" I just wanted to start this one. I will try to make these chapters longer and I will be describing a lot of things (every time I type thing I type thong so just in case you see thong I meant thing) okay anyway I love you guys please share this story. Comment and vote ^.^

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